Friday, March 3, 2006

Answer and New ?

Well, sorry to be a disappointment, but I had a rather tame youth. About the craziest thing I ever did was get drunk and skinny dip with a bunch of friends in a public pond. That was of course in my younger and skinnier days. There are a couple of other things that came to mind as I was typing this but this is a family blog, yo. Even at that, I still think the drunk skinny dipping thing was the craziest.

An-y-way, next riveting question:

If you could have a lifetime 50% off discount at any store, which store would you choose?


  1. Does count as a store?
    if so that is my answer.
    I guess saying something like Wal Mart would be more practical but I don't care. :-)

  2. So funny Wayne, I was going to say the exact same thing about Walmart. I will post my answer in a day or two anyway, but I was going to say JoAnn Fabrics or Michael's Arts And Crafts, and then say the practical side of me would choose Walmart. LOL I guess great minds do think alike! ; )
