That's Dan Zanes of Playhouse Disney fame. Katherine and Julia particularly enjoyed listening to him sing and dance.

As you can tell, Julia was totally thrilled with the whole event. As for Ryun, this picture was the result of my calling his name and just snapping the picture.

Julia wanted nothing to do with face painting when the girls got theirs done earlier in the day, free. In typical Julia style she decided as we were getting ready to leave that she did want her face painted after all. The original place was all the way at the other end of the building, and the last time we had been by, the line was miles long. So, I gave in and paid $10 which seemed like a bit much. Honestly though, at that point I may have given them my life savings for her to Julia to get her face painted. When she wants to participate in something, you just can't let the opportunity pass her by. She sat perfectly still the whole time and as you can see, the tiger face she picked out came out great! Turns out the face painter was from Art on The Spot, a local art studio here in Middleboro, just down the street a ways from us.
We took the kids to diner at Friendly's on the way home, which, as is usually the case at Friendly's, was a huge hit.
I love Ryun's "the stuff I put up with..." look.