Thursday, October 16, 2008


This wasn't the post I had been thinking of writing over the past couple of days, but I guess I have to go with what is current, right?

Emily forgot her math homework in her locker...again. This makes five homework assignments that she has actually done, and somehow misplaced or otherwise didn't turn in, in math alone. I have a whole post on why I think homework should be outlawed, but for now, it is what it is, and she needs to be not only doing it, but turning it in as well.

Here's my issue. I think it absolutely stinks that she did her homework, and because she did something a little absentminded by leaving it in her locker, she is not going to get full credit for it. Apparently, if she turns it in today she will get what she referred to as an "effort grade" but it will not be held in as high esteem as if she had turned it in today.

I am torn about this. Part of me thinks that this might teach her something, and help on the road to better organization, but, the other part of me recognizes that this type of thing is a true disability for her and that she should not be excluded from getting the grade she deserves for doing the work. I am quite sure she could have an accommodation added to her 504 Plan that allowed her to have her homework in by the end of the day and still get full credit. I just don't know, in the long run, if that would be a good thing or not.

Here's the other piece that bothers me. Emily got her first progress report the other day. She has all B's and one C in math. A c? Is not a bad grade. It's average. The point is, and I will be elaborating on this further in a future post, if a C is a grade that not only can she get at her current level of organization/disorganization, but one that she is satisfied with, than that should be all that matters. There seems to be this underlying pressure in the world to do better, be more, get more, and it's wrong. If she's happy with a C, then that should be good enough.

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