Friday, October 24, 2008


...recently started counseling, at her request. She's very open about this so I don't feel like I am betraying her confidence by telling y'all that.

Anyway, she had her first appointment the other day. You know, the one that involves your hand going numb from filling out all of the paper work and sharing your entire life history? Yeah that one.

Anyway, I went in with her for her first appointment. When the counselor asked Emily what made her decide she wanted to come, she said, "Well, I have anger management issues. For example, when something small happens that I don't like, I go in to full dramatic mode.

Full dramatic mode...she is too funny. There were a couple of other things she said that had me and the counselor thinking she was quite in tune with how she feels. I think she's really going to like this whole thing.

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