Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Milestones Are Piling Up

Yesterday, for the first time ever, I left Emily home alone with Julia. It was for about 40 minutes 20 minute increments while Ryun dropped off and picked up Katherine at dance. From all accounts (Ryun, Julia and Emily) it went well. When i called to chat with her (in between our officer transition meeting and the regular PTA meeting, I asked her how it went and she said this: "Good. Julia colored in the coloring book first, then she wanted to watch her "shows." So I set her up with the tv, and then went downstairs and transferred the laundry for you." I just thought it was funny that she, of her own accord, decided that she was home alone so she would do the laundry.

In other"milestoney" news, I actually had to pick Julia up from preschool yesterday becasue of a conflict in scheduling that was going to make it impossible for her to ride the bus. When I got there, the teacher's assistant asked me what happened to Julia over the summer. She said that she is "Miss. Independent" this year and that she notices a huge difference from last year. when I checked in with her teacher, she too said Julia was doing very well. It's so nice to hear that other people are noticing the changes in her as well. YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Sharon that is awesome!!! I am so proud of Julia!

    Love Aunty Heather
