Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Happy Birthday...
Monday, July 30, 2007
I forgot to mention...
I have posted entries here which have been in favor of and against the casino. I can honestly say, that at meeting time, I had not really made up my mind. I was on the fence, leaning toward yes but not sure if that was what I would end up doing.
I had been reading up extensively at both the opponent and proponent sites, as well as studying the agreement itself and the findings of the casino gambling committee. Both sides and all aspects of the agreement and the findings had some very positive and negative points. I couldn't make up my mind.
The Finance Committee report read at the meeting by Mr. Pavadore, was I think what ended up swaying me.
I ended up going with my original gut feeling when the words "casino" and "Middleboro" ended up in the same sentence for the first time.
I voted no.
In retrospect, I am glad that the agreement was voted in. My line of thinking in voting no was that when it comes to the federal government putting the land in trust, the support of the town is weighed heavily. If the town didn't support the agreement, there was a much less likely chance that the casino resort would come. There was still a chance of course, but a less likely one. If however the majority of this town feels the casino is a good thing, I am glad there is at least an agreement in place.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Town Meeting: A First Hand Account
Perhaps the most noteworthy part of the meeting was the level of disrespect shown mostly by the proponents. There were people yelling while others were speaking, saying things like, "If you don't like it move" and "Boo hoo, need a tissue" when someone else got a little emotional during their speech. You know, I don't know why this surprises me (not necessarily that it was the proponents but the disrespect in general) given that I have been a regular attendee of town meetings lately, but its alarming and disconcerting just the same. I was most impressed with the opposition, who, when members of the other side were speaking, granted them the respect that they, and anyone else expressing their opinion deserved. Seriously, it's still shocking to me how rude people can be.
Aside from that, the meeting was something akin to a circus, complete with the tents and performers, all of whom really fine tuned their skills for the big day. I was impressed with the level of security in place but found it humorous when the town clerk was brought out with the vote count in hand, in a golf cart escorted by police officers.
Something also struck me at the meeting, and the chair of the casino gambling committee hit the nail on the head when talking about what some feel will be the loss of the rural country character of the town.
"You don't get more rural than holding a town meeting on a ball field."
Things That Need To Be Invented...
1. A new DVR that sets up recordings by the person recording them. Like person 1 has their own personal recordings in one area, person 2 has theirs in another etc. This of course is out of sheer laziness and not wanting to scroll through all of the recordings. It would be cool if I could just file all my recordings in one spot, and access them all together. Maybe this is already out there, but Comcast doesn't offer it.
2. A way to stop your period and all of it's associated ills (in my case fatigue and bitchiness) from coming immediately after deciding you are done having children that doesn't involve major surgery or any symptoms associated with menopause. Even better, a way to reverse the process if you should ever decide sometime down the line that you want more children (not gonna happen for me but someone could change their mind).
3. A sure fire, well thought out diet that works for everyone, with every medical condition, for any reason, with any body type etc.
I had three lia sophia shows this week (and yes, lia sophia is not capitalized on purpose...it's the way the company does it and it is most aggravating). They were on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Two were okay, one was fabulous, and I manged to get one booking anyway.
The older two kids had Vacation Bible School all week which they LOVED. Our hairdresser's church sponsors VBS every year and the kids have loved it. I even sent Julia two of the five days this week and the teacher said that while she was a very "young three" she did well. Anyway, on Thursday night they had a rock climbing wall in which Emily climbed like a monkey to the top (no surprise here, of course). Although I wasn't there to see it, I heard a rumor that Katherine made it half way up, despite her fear which is just awesome. I have this whole entry planned in my head by the way about Katherine and confidence, which at some point will make it from my head to the computer. Friday during the regularly scheduled VBS time they had a water slide, bouncy house thing, petting zoo and sno cones. The VBS teachers took some great pictures of all three of my kids enjoying the day and one particularly cute one of Julia riding a pony.
Other than that, I have completely slacked off with the house work and laundry this week and need to get back on track, starting today. Emily and Katherine have two weeks of the town sponsored camp starting tomorrow (all day from 8:45-4:45) which they are very excited about. They will be doing sports and other games, swimming in the town pool and arts and crafts. When I went to register them I found out that it also includes lunch which is just so awesome I can't even tell you. I have to go out later today to buy them sunscreen and refillable water bottles, which I will do when I food shop.
My aunt is coming in from California this week too, which I am so excited about. She will be here for 10 days, which will take us right up to the day we leave for our summer vacation. We have found what looks to be a fantastic campground with all kinds of fun things including pools with water slides, a kiddie pool, fun family events, and of course, the Pemigewasset River which we will definitely be tubing on. We decided after our last camping trip to rent a cabin this time around. Our last trip up there was the summer before Miss. Julia arrived and it rained every single night. Despite Ryun's ultra secure tent set up, which included tarps both over and under the tent, the water still came in a little bit. That, culminated with the fact that it was too wet to cook outside meant that we had to eat breakfast and dinner out almost every day, which ended up costing a serious amount of money. The cabin is costing us about $200 more than it would have for a riverfront, water and electric included tent site (which we have gotten in years past at other campgrounds) but we figure if it rains, we can cook indoors (the cabin has a fully applianced kitchen and our own full bathroom which rocks even more than the kitchen). If it doesn't rain, we will probably cook outdoors anyway, because that is what camping is all about if you ask me. And, if we ended up spending an extra $200 and the weather holds, than I am going to use the excuse that we deserve to spoil ourselves a little and call it a day. Sound good? Anyway, I am really looking forward to it!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Back sometime...soon.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Julia's 3 Year Check Up
I'm thinking to myself, "Are you serious? Saying that she is not overweight "yet" implies that she will be and who are you to predict the future? That, and have you looked at her? She's TINY. Watch what she eats? Are you kidding me? I just barely got the girl to eat anything that wasn't yogurt or toast and you want me to watch what she eats?"
I love my doctor...really I do. He was my pediatrician as a child and I think he did well by me and my sisters. His concern though with this BMI thing is annoying. He said the same thing with Katherine (who admittedly does have little belly but does not look what I would consider to be "overweight"). Besides, Katherine has always been big boned, and I know birth weight probably has little to do with it but she did come in to the world a little on the hefty side at 8 lbs 10oz. I can't wait to see what he has to say about Emily, who has probably gained more weight this year than in years past but is also going through puberty and from all accounts is expected to gain a little extra. Honestly, if he says something, I may just blow my top(well, probably not given this is me we are talking about and blowing my top is just not cool). Seriously though, have enough to worry about with my kids and myself and life in general without adding to the mix kids, that by some chart somewhere have a "weight problem" when they look healthy and eat what I think are a good variety of foods, including the much praised fruits and vegetables.
Anyway, other than that her appointment went well. She was quite cooperative (even after the finger prick in which she actuallycounted the blood drops as they were squeezed in to the vial, rather than crying because she had to sit still and have her hand squeezed). If all goes well, she will not have to go back until she is four.`
Monday, July 23, 2007
Just Stuff
I am sure all of us bloggers go through a phase like this at one time or another. It's just hard, you know, to say some things when people you actually know in "real life" read this. Anonymous blogging, in addition to this blog could be fun and might help with the "just get it off of your chest" piece, but unless someone happens to stumble upon the anonymous blog, the interactivity wouldn't be there with the comments etc.
So anyway, that is why, posting here hasn't been as frequent as one might expect. I am not by any means done, or even taking a break. I just felt some sort of explanation was in order, aside from just the usual excuse of being too busy (which for the record is also true).
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Happy Birthday...
Happy Birthday Julia!
You are a Flag-Waving Everyman, also known as a patriot. You believe in freedom, apple pie, rooting for America at all times, and that God gave us a two-day weekend so we could enjoy football and NASCAR.
Take the quiz at www.FightLiberals.com
You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.
Take the quiz at www.FightConservatives.com
These both seem pretty much right on.
Via Jay.
Friday, July 20, 2007
I found this humorous...
Your brain: 120% interpersonal, 140% visual, 140% verbal, and 0% mathematical!
Congratulations on being 400% smart! Actually, on my test, everyone is. The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. A score above 100% means you use that kind of thinking more than average, and a score below 100% means you use it less. It says nothing about how good you are at any one, just how interested you are in each, relatively. A substantial difference in scores between two people means, conclusively, that they are different kinds of thinkers.
Link: The 4-Variable IQ Test written by chriscoyne on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
0 % mathematical?!?! I could have told you that! It makes me kind of nervous though when it comes to the future of helping kids with algebra and geometry, not to mention the math classes I will have to take if I go back to school at some point! Yuck!
Via Jay.
I wanted to see if it made any difference in my life at all...would I feel better? Worse? The same? I realize that one week of changing to organic might not be enough to notice much, but I didn't notice anything at all. I tend to believe that it probably is better for you in the long run(it just doesn't seem like adding all kinds of chemicals to something could actually be good for you), but someone needs to find a way to make it more affordable or I won't be taking part.
I often wonder why "things" were ever added to food to begin with. It seems to me that everyone is telling you all natural is the way to go nowadays, so at some point, did they used to think that added "ingredients" were healthy for you? Back in the day, way back in the day, the people ate the food "as is." Why did they ever start adding preservatives and chemicals and whatever else if they were just going to go back to saying all natural works best? It doesn't sense.
I am of the belief anyway, that what might work today, might not work tomorrow, and could go back to working the next day. The truth is we are all built and wired differently so making blanket statements about what works will not necessarily be true for everyone, and, it's damned near impossible to keep up with anyway.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Let's just say it worked.
I think I have managed to get the best picture of Julia ever. Her eyes have never looked so blue, the sun was shining just right, and she was smiling to boot.
As usual, click to enlarge.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sign At The Local Y
"Now Excepting Applications."
It was so aggravating to me that I thought briefly of calling to them. I should have.
The Casino: How I Really Feel: Amended
1. The only good thing I can see coming from a casino is the $. That's it. It's enough probably, but yeah, that's it.
2. If there is anyone out there who actually thinks that the selectmen went about this the right way, you might want to consider having your head examined. Further, if there is anyone out there that thinks a decision like this should be made with out the input of the town, you might want to get in line with those who think the selectmen are doing their job. Whether the majority are for or against this thing is irrelevant. A decision of this magnitude should be made by the people of the town, not a 5 member board.
3. It is not only ignorant to think that this will not affect or change this town in any way (good or bad), it's just plain, well, dumb. Positive, negative or anything in between, Middleboro will be forever changed by this decision.
4. I think it will be really funny, actually hilarious if the Governor by some chance comes back after hearing from his committee and decides not to allow class three gambling in MA. After all of the dramatics, well, that would just be a fucking riot.
5. If you are not a registered voter or you are but don't plan to vote, then you have no freaking business expressing your opinion, as far as I am concerned. Sorry, it just pisses me off when people bitch and complain about something, and then don't use the one major opportunity they have to speak their mind.
6. Although you may not be able to tell from what I have said above, mostly, I am for this thing but, if some of that money doesn't find it's way to the schools, I may just have to move, or something.
Julia's Most Recent Phrase
How cute is that? She said it for the first time yesterday and has been using it in context ever since.
(when getting ready to go outside) "First of all, I need to get my shoes on."
(while waiting for me to get her a drink)"First of all, you need to get the cup."
I love when kids learn a new phrase and/or word and use it all of the time. I can't remember Katherine doing it often but with Emily it was the word "actually."
"Actually, I think I am going to color."
"Actually, I don't like how that looks."
Anyway, Julia is making all kinds of progress in her language development lately. The other day she corrected me when I thought she said something and she really had said something else altogether. In the past, I would say, "Did you say..." and even if it wasn't what she had said, she would just say "yes." She also hasn't been falling for the trick questions anymore. It used to be, in order to illicit conversation, you would have to asked her, "is this a blue block?"(even if it was red) in an attempt to get her to say , "No it's red." Well, she does that now. The most recent development is the "why?" questions, which is very cool. Today I was ordering 2 donuts for Emily and Katherine and was planning on ordering Julia a few munchkins. The girl at Dunky's told me that I could gt a third donut for just 20 cents so I cancelled the munchkins and got the donut instead. Julia was apparently listening because she chimed in from the back, "Why can't I have munchkins?"
Julia's IEP: The Details
Parent Concerns
Our immediate concerns for Julia lie in her gross motor, speech and language, and sensory processes. Specifically, our concerns relate to Julia's overall muscle tone and balance, intelligibility and comprehension when speaking in a conversation, her social skills and with her sensory motor and planning skills.
Student Strengths and Evaluation Results Summary
Julia is a delightful girl referred for an initial evaluation by her parents and Early Intervention to determine eligibility for special education services prior to her third birthday. Evaluations were completed in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language.
Results of the speech and language testing revealed age expected expressive language abilities and delayed speech sound development and listening skills development. Julia had difficulty following directions and answering questions and was difficult to understand sometimes in conversation. Direct speech and language therapy was recommended.
Julia's PT evaluation revealed that Julia has low muscle tone, decreased proximal stability, generalized muscle weakness, gravitational/postural insecurity and joint laxity which impact her ability to acquire her gross motor, locomotor and balance skills. Physical Therapy services were recommend.
Occupational Therapy testing indicates that Julia presents with low postural/proximal stability and tone. She exhibits weaknesses in the areas of visual and fine motor development and sensory motor developments. Sensory weaknesses are noted in the areas related to modulation related to movement and visual input, sensory processing related to low tone and endurance , oral sensory processing, and registration. Occupational Therapy services were recommended.
Vision Statement
Our immediate vision is for Julia to improve her overall tone and balance, intelligibility and comprehension, social interactions with her peers, and her sensory motor and planning. We would like to see Julia in a classroom setting so that she may interact with other children and receive the recommended services put forth at her meeting. Looking to the future, it is our hope that with continued therapies Julia will eventually be at the expected level in all areas of concern as that of her peers.
Present Levels of Education Performance
Communication, Physical and Occupational Therapy
How doe the disability affect progress in the indicated areas?
Factors associated with motor and language deficits hinder Julia in effectively addressing curricular material. Julia' delays in articulation and listening skill development impact her ability to communicate effectively with others. Weakness in areas of visual and fine motor development as well as sensory and gross motor development interfere with Julia's ability to engage in age appropriate fine and gross motor activities.
What type of accommodations, if any are necessary to make effective progress?
Encourage prone positions.
Encourage weight bearing positions such as high kneeling.
Encourage stair climbing.
Work on vertical surfaces (black board, easel etc).
Lay prone to attend to activity.
Encourage movement activities and position change.
Current Performance Levels/Measurable Annual Goals
Specific Goal Focus: Physical Therapy
Measurable Goal:
Julia will demonstrate improved postural strength, proximal stability and strength, and endurance and sitting balance to enhance the acquisition of her gross motor, locomotor, and balance skills.
Benchmarks/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete these goals?
- Julia will demonstrate the ability to come to standing using a half kneel progression 100% of the time.
-Julia will demonstrate the ability to propel a scooter board in sitting and prone positions 50 feet with good strength and stability.
-Julia will demonstrate the ability to maintain a prone position for 5 minutes while engaged in upper extremity activities with good proximal strength and unilateral weight bearing.
-Julia will demonstrate improved overall strength and endurance as she participates is sensory motor, balance and strengthening activities.
-Julia will ascend and descend the stairs using a reciprocal pattern independently.
-Julia will jump with a mature pattern 6 times.
-Julia will walk a balance beam forwards using a natural pattern independently without stepping off 5 times.
-Julia will hop on her dominant leg 5 times.
-Julia will demonstrate a mature gait pattern as she accesses the school environment with improved strength, endurance and mobility.
Specific Goal Focus: Occupational Therapy
Measurable Goal: Julia will improve sensory processing, sensory motor development, and fine motor development as measured by the following benchmarks.
-Julia will build a three cube bridge and three cube steps with one inch blocks 4 out of 5 times.
-Julia will color within the boundaries of a three inch design while maintaining and appropriate grasp pattern 2 out of 3 times.
-Julia will string 3/8 inch beads independently 3 out of 4 times.
-Julia will copy a horizontal line, diagonal line, cross, and square 2 out of 3 times.
-Julia will trace her first name 3 out of 4 times.
Specific Goal Focus: Communication
Measurable Goal: Julia will demonstrate improvements in articulation and listening skill development by attainment of the benchmarks stated below.
-Julia will point to named pictures in a book with 80% accuracy.
-Julia will point to pictures depicting simple descriptive concepts (big, wet, little etc) with 80 % accuracy.
-Julia will answer "wh" questions when reading a book, given one repeat as needed, with 80% accuracy.
Service Delivery:
PT/OT (combined): 2 times per week for 45 minutes each time.
Speech/Language: 2 times per week for 30 minutes each time.
So, it's pretty thorough, huh? I am pleased with it and am so glad that it's in place!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Technical Question
I have removed the plastic tag thingy on it, it appears to be installed correctly and nothing else is wrong that I can tell.
It's a Lexmark 1100 series all-in one, if that helps.
Anyway, I had been thinking about what exactly I would say...remembering all of those times she was late, canceled our appointments, and either called when she was supposed to be here already or five minutes before she was scheduled to arrive. I had called her quite some time ago, expressing my thoughts and since then, she has basically been fine . So, being the nice person I am, I decided not to mention any of that when the woman called me back.
Until today.
When she not only didn't show up for a 10:15 appointment, has not called, in the 6 hours that have since passed with an explanation or apology. So unless she's dead, I am done playing the nice girl.
I have already called her supervisor and left a message and you can bet that when I get the call back, I will be sharing the sordid details of the past two years.
Honestly, she's pathetic.
The today she said after a conversation about cleaning her room and how she would be done in an hour or less if she just went up there and did it. Her response? "Mom, I am an easily distracted person. I am afraid I will get distracted and not get it done." Yeah, I know.
I have often tried (usually to no avail) to describe the kind of "smart" that Emily is. I don't think there are words that could adequately describe it but, the following come to mind...
...artistic, in a dramatic kind of way...acting, singing, writing
Yes, she got the book smarts to go with it but there is something, something about her personality and out look on life that is just wise beyond her years.
And I love her. I just love her.
IEP Question
Does anyone know how exactly this works?
IEP Question
Anyway, does anyone know how exactly this works?
Monday, July 16, 2007
Funny Stuff
It seems to me that a town meeting, where the majority of the town's 14,000 or so registered voters are expected to turn up, will be nothing less than a logistical nightmare. It will interesting to say the least.
I can't wait!
The "Maybe It's Me" Syndrome
Yeah, I am famous for it and, to be honest, it just isn't working for me any more. It's not always me, and quite frankly, I need to stop thinking it is.
Can someone please tell me...
Here's what I have tried:
1. Talking about why the behavior needs to change and offering some suggestions as to how she could do that.
2. Asking the "How would you feel if..." questions in an attempt to show her that if she wouldn't like someone behaving that way with her, than the person on the receiving end of her behavior probably won't like it either.
3. Trying to examine with her input why, when something makes her mad she feels the only way to express her anger is to kick the entertainment center, or throw something at a wall, and, offered additional ways to physically take out her anger, like punching a pillow, or even screaming in to it.
4. Taken away privileges( computer, tv, phone MP3 Player etc).
5. Gone completely freakin' crazy...yelling and screaming and behaving in a way that isn't even recognizable to myself (and I am the one doing it).
Nothing I have tried has worked. The behavior may stop for the moment, but nothing has worked to stop it permanently. It seems to me that at the age of 10, she should be able to reach back and remember, "The last time I did this, this happened. Maybe I shouldn't do it this time."
Thoughts? Any one? I am at my wits end, which for those who know me in "real life" know, is saying something.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Budget Cuts: The Results
That is just one of the many cuts that will be in place come September.
It's a sad state of affairs, to say the least.
Anyway, we're back, and regularly scheduled blogging should resume this week.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
There are a couple of pictures from our last camping trip, a few years ago to the White Mountains of NH that are some of my favorite ever(the views from Canon Mountain and the rushing river one to be exact). I can't wait to go back this summer for many reasons, not the least of which is to take more beautiful, scenic shots!
There is still one more portion of the test to be done (explanation below) but the three parts of the gene that are looked at to determine a diagnosis of Noonan's Syndrome are fine.
The geneticist described further, cutting edge testing that was just developed which will look at the remaining 19 parts of the gene but, she is not expecting that they will find anything. These results will not be in until September.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
A Different World
Two 10 and 12 year old girls were arrested for kidnapping a 1 year old boy from his house at 5am, and leaving a ransom note, demanding $200, 000 for his return.
The other night at the carnival, Ryun and Emily overheard a conversation that went like this:
Preteen boy: "I respect your sexuality."
Preteen girl: "I'm sorry I am a (and I quote) Lesbo."
At Emily's last physical, the doctor told me that now was the time to start the "drugs are bad" discussion with Emily, and that the highest rate of first time smokers among youth are just 11 years old.
Yup, it's a different world.
Being Mom
I find myself thinking more and more about this lately, especially when I lose my cool with Emily. I wonder if she will remember "Mommy the crazy lady" or"Mommy the person, who before she lost her cool was calm and patient and reassuring." I wonder if she will remember any of it at all. I hope that if she remembers anything, it is that feeling of love and security, that I always hope and pray outshines the "crazy Mommy" bit. One thing that I think will help make this feeling last, assuming she feels it at all, is the fact that I always apologize. I apologize not for getting mad, but for overreacting. I don't want her to think that overreacting is the right way to express anger or frustration. Truth be told, I don't overreact all that often any way and if I really think about it, it seems to me that the calm and patient Mommy is present a lot more than crazy Mommy.
It's hard though isn't it? There really is no way of knowing how what we do know as parents will effect them in the future. Everyone has a different interpretation(what I say to Katherine my be taken one way by her, and a completely different way by Emily and vice versa). I guess, in the end, all we can do is try our best, and hope that it is good enough.
Friday, July 6, 2007
You Are Elmo |
Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do! You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing. You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you. How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!" |
Via Jay.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Emily went on a couple of rides that made me a little nervous but, she of course was fine, and at one point was smiling and talking to the guy next to her. Katherine and Julia had fun too, except for when Julia cried because a ride was over and she didn't want to get off.
Pictures and descriptions below:
As you can tell, Julia was quite happy to be on the motorcycle ride...not so happy to get off, as mentioned before.
Emily was pretty excited after getting off the g-force ride. It was one of those rides that spins you really fast, pinning you against the walls. I almost died watching her, but she LOVED it.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pictures Update
I have taken many beautiful scenic pictures over the years, and am in the process of collecting them all in one place so I can go through them and decide if any of them may be worth selling, or turning in to note cards to sell, or whatever.
While there are many more in my collection that I feel are worthy, I have started a small sampling here. I will be adding to this collection over the next few weeks and then will begin actively pursuing my options.
Whenever I have given consideration to "what I want to be when I grow up", a photographer has always been at the top of my list, even if I seldom mention it. I have always been complimented on my photography skills and feel confident in my abilities aside from that, so, why not pursue it?
Monday, July 2, 2007
Beach Pictures
Dressing Emily in a bright orange bathing suit was a smart idea on my part (not that I did it on purpose of course). She was very easy to spot at all times, even if I wasn't right next to her.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Cute Kids Galore!
Jack had a great time with Katherine, who would fall dramtically to the ground everytime Jack ran in to her.