Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Why I Love Katherine

Last night, on the way to Reading Night at school, she said, "Mom, do you think sometime you could take me to see Barry Manilow?"

Seriously, she is so my kid.

Then, this morning at 4 AM no less, she got up, made 4 Valentine's cards and gave everyone in the family a present from her personal toy collection. For Ryun, it was a pencil pouch type thing for him to hold all of his "special work stuff" in. For me it was a bookmark and a homemade macaroni necklace. For Emily it was a book. For Julia it was three toy horses. The cutest thing in the world (although Emily may not think so) ? She woke Emily up to ask her how to spell "fantastic."

Two reasons, among many of course, that I love Katherine.

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