Thursday, February 8, 2007

I Finally Got My Fix


I am seriously torn between Jack and Sawyer and who belongs with Kate. Mostly, I think Kate and Sawyer but last night I was feeling the Jack and Kate connection.
Could Jack have been any hotter at the end of the episode when he said to Kate? "Don't ever come back for me." God, I think I might have just about died.

On to more pressing matters though...what the heck was that whole thing that Alex's friend Carl was in? Some kind of funky mind washing thing? Some kind of weird hypnosis station? That was really odd. I was trying so hard to commit to memory all of the messages that were flashing and the various pictures that were blinking by because with LOST even those seemingly insignificant things could mean a change in the whole way you view the show. This morning of course, I can barely remember a single thing but I do plan on looking at the fan sites to see what I can find there.

I really wish they would do a back story on Ben. I am sure they will at some point. I want to find out what kind of power he holds over the island, as it appears that he is the person that can actually allow people to leave the island with out being trapped by some kind of magnetic force field type thing or whatever it is that keeps them all there.

I thought it was interesting last night to see Juliet's back story. It was kind of cool to see how they actually "recruited" her to be a part of the "island team" back when it was a government site with all kinds of funky stations, including the zoological research station that they were holding Sawyer and Kate in. I didn't really get the whole sister story. I mean I understand that the drugs Juliet were giving her were supposed to make it so she could have a baby when she couldn't but miracles like that happen all of the time in "real life" so what was so special about that? Impregnating male mice with her "drug" was of course a medical miracle so that made sense.

Anyway, I can not wait to see where this season will go. LOST rocks people, and if you are not watching it, you should go rent the DVD"s and catch up. Yeah, yeah I know, I'm pushing LOST again. I can't help's that good.

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