Sunday, February 25, 2007


It's not over yet but I figured what the heck? I know what we are doing later so I am just going to do the review now.

The rally for lia sophia in CT was amazing! It was really inspiring to hear the stories of success! I have so much information that I feel I can incorporate in to my own business and a new found confidnece level that, admittedly, just wasn't there before. Aside from the awesome ideas I left with for boosting my own business, I had such a good time with my "lia ladies" that it would have been worth going just for that! We really do have such a nice mix of personalities.

After we got back to Middleboro last night (about 9:00 or so) I scooted over to Plymouth for a 30th birthday party. I had originally thought I would just head home but Ryun had called , saying everyone was asking for me so of course, I had to make an appearance. I am glad I did. Missing a party with my friends from the "hood" would just be a tragedy. Seriously, they are such a fun, amazing group.

We are heading over to the 'rents house tonight for dinner. Mom is cooking a boiled smoked shoulder dinner...yummy!

The Amazing race All Stars and the Oscar's are on tonight so I will probably plan on parking in front of the tv for the night!

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