Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

While this holiday doesn't hold much esteem for me, I do find it to be a great reminder of how much I love my family ( not that I need reminding...they show me every day how lucky I am). We make it special for the kids (well, we really translates in to me because lets face it, the sappy, sentimental one in this relationship is me not Ryun) but other than that, it's just another day really.

I am planning on doing the usual "fun" dinner set up with Valentine plates and cups, candy hearts scattered about as decoration for the table and a special dinner (which tonight will actually be pizza from The Cabin...yummy). I have a Tastefully Simple Apple Cake Mix that I might make for dessert, and for the first time in I don't know how long, I think I am going to skip my PTA meeting and chill with the family instead.

So anyway, Happy Valentine's Day, hope it's fantastic!

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