Friday, December 30, 2005


Drum roll please...

Julia went from sitting, to kneeling, to standing completely unassisted today!


Unfortunately, I was not here to witness this (took E and K to Disney on Ice) but Mimi, Papa, and Ryun did so it must be true!


(No really, GO JULIA!).

A Year In The Life...

Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes,
Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand
Moments so dear
Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes,
How do you measure, measure a year?

January 29, 2005...Emily makes her First Reconciliation!

February 11, 2005...Katherine's gets a very positive report from her teacher during her preschool parent/teacher conference!

February 25, 2005...Emily got her glasses!

Friday March 11, 2005...Emily was the most well-behaved child in her class today! Her teacher gave her a sticker!

In daylights, in sunsets,
In midnights, in cups of coffee,
In inches, in miles,
In laughter, in strife.

April 24, 2005...Emily made her First Holy Communion today!

April 30, 2005... Julia (finally!) got her first tooth today!

May 12, 2005...Katherine lost her first tooth today, and got her first payment from the tooth fairy!

June 1, 2005...Happy 8th Birthday Emily!

In Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes,
How do you measure a year in the life?

July 3, 2005...Welcome to the world Elijah!

July 22, 2005...Happy First Birthday Julia!

August 11, 2005...Julia crawled for the first time today!

September 7, 2005...Emily's first day of third grade was today!

How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Seasons of love.

September 8, 2005...Today was Katherine's first day of kindergarten!

September 15, 2005...Happy 32nd Birthday Ryun!

October 1, 2005...We moved to our new home on this day.

October 4, 2005...Happy 30th Birthday to me!

Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes,
Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand
Journeys to plan
Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How do you measure the life
of a woman or a man?

October 22, 2005...Today marks one year since Emily's last known seizure ! WOO HOO!

November 9, 2005...Welcome to the world Jack Sullivan!

November 25, 2005...Happy 6th Birthday Katherine!

December 7, 2005...Julia pulled to standing for the first time today!

In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried
In bridges he burned
Or the way that she died?

December 9, 2005...We had our First Annual Polar Express Night tonight!

December 10, 2005...Emily and Katherine had their Christmas recital today for The Burtwood School of Performing Arts!

December 25, 2005...Merry Christmas! We spent the morning here opening presents, had dinner at my parents house and then went over to Ryun's Uncle and Aunt's house for desert/presents.

December 27, 2005...Julia walked, holding on to the table for the first time today!

It's time now to sing out,
Though the story never ends,
Let's celebrate, remember
A year in the life of friends

Remember the love.
Remember the love.
Remember the love.
Meausre in love.

Seasons Of Love

Thursday, December 29, 2005

ECHO Update and Dr's Names

So, both Julia's regular pediatrician and her developmental pediatrician agree that an echocardiogram is not necessary before the MRI. So, the developmental pediatrician has left a message with the MRI people, who will be getting back to her as to why they are requesting one, and we will take it from there.

Random note: Every doctor my children see (Emily has a pediatrician, neurologist and an allergist, Katherine has a pediatrician, an endocrinologist and an allergist, and Julia has a pediatrician and a developmental pediatrician) have a last name beginning with A, B, or C.

We have one Dr. A, three Dr. B's and two Dr. C's.


New Year Tonight

Ryun and I are celebrating the upcoming New Year with the girls tonight. Julia will probably be asleep by the time we get started, but she is too young to understand the whole new year thing anyway.

My parents are taking the kids over night on New Year's Eve and Ryun and I are going to a friends party, which is why we are celebrating tonight, rather then on the actual night.

Anyway, we are going to review the Celebration Book (a scrapbook I made reviewing the important milestones within our family over the past year). Together, we are going to start the 2006 book by posting our resolutions and predictions for our family in the coming year. I also plan on making some sort of a desert (brownies I think) and going over the 2006 calendar to set up family meetings throughout the year. We used to have them all of the time at our old house, but haven't since we moved here. I am going to go over the fire and emergency plans which we have posted on the fridge here but have yet to actually review with the kids. I have a small project for the Emily and Katherine to work on (a New Year's craft type thing) which they will love. I had a couple of other good ideas to include but, as per usual, I came up with this "celebrate the new year tonight" thing, you know, last night. Heh.


In keeping with tradition, I am at least planning on making a New Year's Resolution to eat healthier and exercise. Whether or not I keep this resolution remains to be seen.

Anyway, I went food shopping last night after taking in this movie with my mother and sister (two enthusiastic thumbs up BTW). I usually skip right on past the Wild Harvest organic aisles at Shaw's. Just for the heck of it, I decided to check it out. Maybe, just maybe this organic thing was something I should try.

The food looked decent enough, no different than the processed crap really.

My question? If organic food is so darn unprocessed, straight from the proverbial cow, why in the hell is it so damned expensive? It seems to me it would cost more money to"process" it and add shit to it then to just get it and throw it on a store shelf.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Upcoming Events We All Got For Christmas

On Friday afternoon, my sister and I are taking Emily and Katherine to see Disney On Ice. Heather bought the tickets for the girls for Christmas, and we bought each other the tickest as a Christmas gift to each other. We have been to see Disney On Ice a few times...last time was Finding Nemo...and they love it every time.

My parents used their timeshare discount and paid for an entire week here. They are going February 17-20, and basically just gave the girls and I the rest of the week (22nd-24th). It wasn't technically a Christmas gift, but she gave it to us on the 27th, so I am counting it as one! Both of my sister are going to come and spend a night (not at the same time because it isn't a big enough room) so it should be fun. The kids are very excited about swimming in the winter!

On June 21, my mother, myself, Emily, Katherine, and my sister Heather are going to see this. I think I am most excited about this. First of all, it's at The Opera House which is just gorgeous beyond words (saw Phantom there). Second, it's Annie...probably one of my all time favorite musicals/movies of all time.


Julia has her 6 month assessment with EI next week. I can't believe 6 months have gone by since she started this whole process. I am sure we will still be eligible for some services (for the gross motor skills) but I am pretty sure the speech thing will not have a four month delay(which is what it needs to be to be eligible).

The very next day she has her PT Evaluation at Health South in Plymouth. The develomental pediatrician reffered her for PT and OT, but, I don't think she needs the OT anymore so I am not going to do it.

I forgot to mention...she says "meow meow" when you ask her what a cat says. She has the cutest darn voice too!

A Letter To Fox

Link: Reunion Cancelled

Dear Fox,

You wouldn't know a good tv show if it slapped you in the face.



Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Signing With Julia

Julia signing "down."

Signing "more".

Signing "all done/all gone."

And, signing the sign she made up for "mess." I think she came up with the hand wiping her face in imitation of us cleaning her up after a meal with a face cloth.

Still More Tests

The MRI people from Children's called last week to schedule Julia's MRI. We went over a brief history (including the reason behind the need for the MRI). After discussing everything, including Emily's diagnosis (which apparently was written on the referral from the developmental pedi as another reason for Julia to have an MRI) she said that Julia will need an echocardiogram before we have the MRI.

Which means sedation.


Jesus H. Christ these people are thorough. I think maybe a little too thorough for my sanity to remain in check.

I think that this (the reason for the ECHO) is because TS can cause heart tumors but still, why do we need to know this before an MRI? Heart tumors aren't magnetic are they?

I am not trying to be funny here, but this is getting a little insane.

I am sure, when all is said and done, I will appeciate the thoroughness, especially, if it turns out there was a need to be.

In the mean time though, it's making me anxious.


Emily and Katherine are already fighting. Yup, this week ought to be fun! God help me.

Anyway, I am hoping to get all of their "stuff" put away today. As I mentioned in a previous entry, we didn't get them a heck of a lot but let me tell you, between aunts and uncles and grandparents, they were spoiled. So, we have a lot to put away.

I usually leave it out for a few days, but with an actively moving baby crawling all over the place, it just isn't possible.

Also...big news...JULIA WALKED HOLDING ON TO THE TABLE YESTERDAY! It was just a few steps but what's that saying?

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Or something like that.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas With The Ellis Family...Photo Version

The tree...first thing this morning!

Katherine, smiling at some present she apparently was happy with!

Quite possibly the most beautiful picture of Katherine ever! No really, isn't she gorgeous?

Katherine, Emily, and Kronk's New Groove!

Daddy and Julia opening Toby The Totbot.

Julia, chillin' in the wrapping paper.

Julia smiling at her next present!

Katherine, Emily, and Twister!

The adorable Julia and Katherine.

My parents fireplace...all decked out!

Emily (looking very teenager like if I do say so myself), Katherine and Julia, posing!

Julia, who was quite fascinated with Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

And finally, three Christmas angels.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Because I know I won't have time...

...later/tomorrow, Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I just got back a little while ago from the last of my Christmas shopping and the weekly food shopping.

Note: People are cranky and impatient while waiting in the long lines. I don't mind really, but if you do, don't freakin' wiat til the last minute to shop. Thankyouverymuch.

Anyway, poor Julia has the cold that started with Katherine, passed ever so briefly to Emily (who definitely didn't get it as badly as Katherine did but enough that she is still coughing), and hopefully (yeah right) will stop at Julia. I can hear her breathing over the monitor, and it's all raspy and congested sounding. Her nose has been running all day long...I think I may have broken records with the amount of times I wiped it. She also has this wet sounding cough. Despite all of this, she has basically been sleeping well, which is good.


Clean house

Make Fudge

Make Pretzel Treats

Do Christmas Present thingy with kids (wrap Ryun's from them and make something for someone else).

Tomorrow: Late Night: Wrap remaining presents!


I am in the "Christmas mood" today. So far I have wrapped Christmas presents, made these, and cut, cooked, and frosted the sugar cookies.

After my self imposed break, I am going to go make a couple of magnets, and finish another Christmas project which can not be mentioned until after Christmas (because some of the people reading may be recipients!).

Oldies 103 has provided a nice background for all of this Christmas craziness. They are playing Christmas music and I have had it on all day!

Does anyone else... way too much wrapping paper? I always do. I go year to year, looking at what I have left, and then, thinking that it's never enough, buy more! Next year, I am going to wrap, and then, if I run out buy more.

Ot Eval, Katherine's Report Card

I forgot to update regarding Julia's OT Eval. Basically, the only concern the OT had was this.

Julia does this "hand flapping" thing when she is both angry and happy, mostly angry though. She did it a number of times when the OT was here. It's kind of weird. It's almost like she forgets that she can crawl. For example, if there is a toy across the room that she can see, but will have to crawl to to get, she will sit, flap her hands back and forth, and literally scream and grunt. Basically, we have decided to watch it and see what happens. The OT doesn't think it could be anything serious (like Autism or Fragile X, both of which hand flapping is a symptom) but more of a motor planning type issue. So, we'll see.

In other news, Katherine got her report card. Basically, she is making average progress across the board. Her teacher's comments were as follows: "Katherine is a very quiet little girl who always tries her hardest to do her best work. I enjoy working with her very much."

Not sure how the quiet thing worked in there, LOL.

Anyway, YAY Katherine!

Watch out world...

I think Emily might be going through the beginning of (gulp) puberty.

I think I mentioned a while back that I had to buy her deodorant (did I? She walked by me one day and I almost passed out...LOL).

Then, last night, oddly within minutes of each other without even discussing it, Ryun and I both noticed that she...she's, um, getting "feminine curves". No, I am not talking about a chest (Good Lord I am not ready for that yet), I am talking about her backside (for lack of a better way of describing it). The small of her back is more defined, causing her "butt"to be, well, more defined.

TMI? Probably, but it leads me to this question.

How soon is it appropriate for me to have the "birds and the bees" talk?

She's 8 and 1/2. I think my mom and I had "the talk" when I was about 9, maybe 9 1/2. I got my period at 11, so it's not completely unlikely that Emily could be starting this whole process.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Johnny Damon has to shave and cut his hair.

Leg Update

Remember, a while back when I fell? It's been a couple of months now and my leg still isn't back to normal. I can walk fine but it still cramps up if I sit for too long and I can't straighten it completely. I guess I should think about having it look at...I just can't stand going to the doctor's.

Besides that, I don't think that there is going to be anything wrong, per se. I know that legs are one of those things that once injured can "flare up" from time to time, and I think that might be what is going on here, although, it doesn't seem like a flare up given how consistently it cramps and how I can never straighten it.

I will probably wait it out a bit longer and see what happens.

You're Fired!

Last night I had a dream that I was on the reality show, 'The Apprentice." I have no idea what in the hell that means and found it especially weird since I don't even watch the show.

It was kind of strange. I was sitting in what looked to be a high school classroom, and Donald was at the front of the class, teaching. At the end of class, he said something about a meeting at 5pm in the cafeteria, and I remember thinking to myself that this "was harder than any other reality show out there."

Then I woke up.

Any one have any interpretations they would like to share?

Movie List

I was not"officially" tagged by Jay, but, I am going to play along too!

So, here's my list of movies that mean Christmas to me:

1. Love Actually

2. Sleepless In Seattle

3. A Christmas Story

4. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

5. Miracle On 34th Street

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Forgot to say...

The doctor is also going to make a referral for Physical Therapy at Health South, in addition to what she is doing through EI.

Sorry.. took me so long to update about the appointment. it was just...kind of a rough day.

The assessment itself went well. In all other developmental areas aside from gross motor, she tested at 14-16 months. She will be 17 months in a couple of days, so this was a very slight delay, nothing major. Her gross motor skills were at 11 months, a delay of about 5 months, give or take. She ordered the normal battery of blood tests that she orders for any patient that comes in with Julia's concerns, and added a complete TS scan to the mix. So, she had a chromosome abnormality blood test, a CPK blood test (which is the test that determines and issues with her actual muscles...Basically seeing if the low tone has an actual cause), a thyroid blood test, a CBC, and the TS scan. Poor kid had 7, yes 7 vials of blood drawn.

We left, went to lunch and I came home to a message on the machine from the doctor, saying that she wanted to conduct one more diagnostic test, which she decided on after reviewing Julia's growth charts. My immediate thought was that she wasn't gaining enough weight (remember when she was little and had to have weight checks every couple of weeks?).

I called her back. She said that she had concerns about the rate at which Julia'a head was growing. Her head circumference was rather large, and had been increasing at a steady pace. It's funny. Everytime we go to the pedi, well not every but a lot, they have to remeasure her head. Even at birth, I clearly remember the doctor or the nurse saying something about a CT, but apparently they didn't think there was a problem.

Anyway, the diagnostic test she wants to perform? Yup, you guessed it.


I left the office feeling pretty good. The doctor , before calling back, was basically of the opinion that Julia was progressing normally, just at a slower rate than usual (i.e, she is doing everything in the right order and in the right way, just not in the amount of time that is considered appropriate).

Now, I am kind of scared. I am not sure if I am actually scared that they will find something on the MRI, or if I am scared of the MRI itself. Emily had an MRI back in July of 2004. Typically, a kid of her age would have had to have been sedated. We decided to try Emily without sedation and she did marvelously. She even fell asleep. I explained to her in depth what it would be like, what she would have to do etc. and she was fine.

Basically, Julia has no choice. Sedation will be a definite thing.

For some reason, that scares the hell out of me.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Tomorrow... Julia's appointment with the developmental pediatrician. I have been looking forward to this for so long but, now that it's here, well, I am starting to get that feeling. What feeling? The "Oh my God, what if she has TSC too?" feeling. I remember when Emily was first diagnosed, and we were discussing genetic testing for Ryun and I, the same feeling came up. What if I have this awful thing and passed it on to my children? It certainly isn't anything that one has control over, and in the whole scheme of things, if the worst thing that we will have to deal with in terms of Julia is a delay in the gross motor area, we are doing pretty damn good. This TSC thing could certainly be much worse, even life threatening in some cases, but it doesn't make facing the possibility of another child having it (even in one of it's mildest forms) any easier. Emily herself has a borderline diagnosis. Julia, if she does have it, certainly seems to be borderline too. The thing is, with TSC, you just never know. I mean Emily was the picture of health until she turned seven and then, seemingly out of the blue, despite this genetic mutation being there since birth (it is in the TSC2 gene by the way) her life was changed.

I don't know. I am trying not to worry too much about it. I just hope that whatever testing is conducted, both tomorrow in the office and any test she orders (bloodwork etc) will come back negative. I hope that Julia's issues such as low tone are just a freak thing.

I will be back to update y'all after the appointment ( and lunch with Mom who is coming with me for moral support).

Chirstmas Quizzes Galore!

Your Christmas is Most Like: A Very Brady Christmas

For you, it's all about sharing times with family.

Even if you all get a bit cheesy at times.

You Are a Cranberry and Popcorn Strung Tree

Christmas is all about showcasing your creative talents.

From cookies to nicely wrapped presents, your unique creations impress everyone.

You Are a Fruitcake!

You taste like nothing else in this world.

And get ready, you're about to get tossed!


As if this week wasn't busy enough, given the upcoming holiday...

Tomorrow we have Julia's appointment with the developmental pediatrician.

Wednesday we have Julia's OT evaluation, her regular speech appointment with Jen from EI, a concert at the Town Hall which Katherine's class is attending and parents are invited, and Emily has Girl Scouts. It is also Katherine's Christmas Holiday Party (God forbid I am not politically correct here) and I am making a treat for the class.

On Thursday, I will do my last minute Christmas shopping as well as food shop and attend my weelky meeting. It's also the last day I can wrap while the kids are at school, as vacation begins on Friday.

I'm not complaining really...keeping busy is a good thing for me. It keeps me happy...and believe it or not, sane!

Ear Infection...

...confirmed. Her left ear, as per usual is fine, and the right one looks "bad" according to the nurse practicioner we saw. Everytime she gets an ear infection, she gets it in her right ear. The one time that I brought her to the doctor and she didn't have one, she just had fluid in her ear, it was still her right ear. Very weird.

Anyway, she prescribed the "bubble gum" medicine, also known as Amoxycillin.

Ear Infection

Katherine was up off and on all night complaining of an ear ache. At one point she said, "Mama, I think there is someone pounding a hammer in my ear." So, from her crying and her rather apt descripion, I am pretty sure she has an ear infection.

We have an appointment at Dr. B's at 11:15.

I will be back later with more.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


This is the look she does everytime we say,
"Julia, are you a good girl?"

Looks like a little devil to me!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Katherine ended up with a fever of 101.4 and a cough so bad her stomach muscles hurt from the force of it. Poor kid. Probably due to her asthma, she is the type of kid who gets a run of the mill cold that turns in to the cold from hell, and last for a good week or two. She seems a little better today.

Ryun and I are going to a friends Christmas party tonight. Ryun's cousin is coming over to babysit the girls, whiich they are very excited about.

Any way, that's all.

Friday, December 16, 2005

EP Update

Emily's Page has been updated!

Wild Weather=Wild Driving

Today, on the way home from picking Katherine up at school (apparently she was coughing pretty badly and didn't feel well) the following things occured...

-A rather large tree limb came down right in front of my car and I had to swerve to avoid hitting it.

-A cat ran right out in front of my car and I had to swerve to avoid hitting it.

-A trash barrel blew right in front of my car and guess what? I had to swerve to avoid hitting it.

-There was a detour preventing traffic from going down 28 right at at the intersection of Wood Street and 28 so I was forced to take a left at the lights. I proceeded to get lost driving on the backroads of Middleboro. I actually had to call Ryun (the King and All Knowing Backroads God) to bring me back to civilization .

Apparently, today was not a day in which I was meant to be driving.

If you are the type of parent...

...who lets your baby "cry it out" (which BTW, I am to a degree), what is the maximum time you would let them cry before you would give in a get them?

Example: Daughter wakes up in crib crying at 10:00pm. You can tell by the cry that she is not hurt in any way, just crying.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Julia had her appointment with the PT this morning and she did so well! Vida was very impressed with her progress (pulling to stand) and Julia, for a millisecond only (but it counts) stood unaided well, anything! YAY!

She is doing such a good job! It's funny how things just click sometimes. Before we know it, I am sure she will be cruising the furniture and walking on her own!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I just came back from tonight's PTA meeting. I can't tell you how glad I am to have joined...I like having an inside track to the various activities/events.

I am going to head up the food committee for the Annual Mardi Gras sponsored by the PTA. I am not exactly sure yet what that will entail but I am thinking that I will be responsible for getting local food donations etc.

I am also pretty much on track to designing the PTA website. I have to meet with the PTA president after our next meeting to go over what exaclty they want on it, how they want it deisgned, if they want to pay for a domain name/hosting or just use a free site etc. Basically, we need to hash out the details and then I can get going on it.

Anyway, I am going to go to bed. Julia has PT first thing tomorrow, after the kids get on the bus and then I will be home for the day working on various Christmas type projects.

For those who are wondering...

Julia will have 5 presents under the tree. I just didn't mention her in the previous entry because she really isn't going to know one way or the other!


...feels good.

Some of you may know what a freak I am about lists. I make them all of the time, and, usually manage to cross items off as I go along.

Well, after searching various sites for ideas regarding what to get my kids for Christmas, I made two lists. One list was of the few things that I have already purchased, one was of the few things I had left to purchase.

When all is said and done, Emily and Katherine will have 6 presents each of their own to open, and two presents that will be shared between the two of them. No doubt, this is less than there have been in the past but this year, I tried (or I should say we) to do something a little different. It's called being responsible about what we spent. And it feels good.

I know that the kids are going to love what they got, and that they probably won't even know the difference between this year and years past. The magic of Christmas morning will be no less this year then it has before, even if the presents aren't as abundant. The feeling will be the same and perhaps, from our perspective as the parents, a little more so in knowing that we have done well.

So much is so different about Christmas this year. So much is better about Christmas this year.

I can't remember the last time I felt so good.


Well, the Christmas cards are made, signed, stamped, and sitting in the mailbox ready to be picked up.

Next on the agenda: Figure out what else to get my kids for Christmas.


Emily and Katherine have a 1/2 day of school today, which means they will be home at 1:30. I completely forgot that until they were out on the doorstep waiting for the bus. Oops...hey at least I remembered before they actually got home right?

I really worked my butt off around here yesterday, so aside from laundry, I think I am going to take it easy today. Julia was up last night until 12:30 which I guess technically speaking was this morning. It was one of those nights where nothing worked...diaper changing, drink, food, singing, hell even Motrin didn't work. I still have no idea what was wrong but the girl was downright pissed off for most of the night. When she finally settled, I came back downstairs and went right to bed. I am pretty sure the last conscious thought I had was something to the effect of, "Please God, let her sleep through the night." She cried out a couple of times randomly, but nothing that warranted me getting out of bed to see what was up.

I almost feel guilty complaining about these types of things because honestly, she is the easiest ever. Nights like last night are so far and few between they're almost not even on the radar.

I have a PTA meeting tonight which, although I am tired, I am planning on attending. I missed last month's meeting because I went up to Beverly to visit my sister and new nephew, so I definitely don't want to miss tonight. LOST is a repeat for the next few weeks, so rather than coming home and watching it, I will be coming home and going to bed.

Anyway, that is all. I'm off to address Christmas card envelopes!

Merry Christmas!

Does that look like a 5 week old baby to you? Seriously, I'm thinking along the lines of 3 maybe 4 months? What 5 week old actually smiles for a picture?!?! And sits up?

That would be my adorable nephew Jack, BTW.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


...has her OT evaluation on Wednesday of next week. The OT called today to schedule and get a brief history. It's funny. With Julia pulling to stand like crazy along with the fact that the food on her face/wiping her face thing seems to be slowly getting better, I am beginning to wonder if she even needs it anymore.

I have been doing PT and OT with her on my own at home...everyday. That, culminated with the PT and Speech Therapy she gets bi-weekly obvioulsy has been well worth the effort. No doubt, she is still behind in the gross motor skills but her speech and signing have exploded.

Either way, I plan on keeping the scheduled appointment. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, right?


I went on a tear organizing the playroom. I couldn't stop with that so I moved to the office and am in the proceess of finishing that up. I decided to hang hooks on the wall outside of the office to hang coats, therby making more room in the closet for other "crap" that was just lying around the office with no home. It is actually starting to look like something that someone might even call "organized". It's nice.

I am also trying to get Christmas cards written and mailed out which is always quite the project. I made it more of a project this year since I decided to make my own Christmas cards rather than just buy them. They're fairly simple so it really hasn't been too bad, just time consuming. I think we send out about 50 cards every year so that should help put it in to perspective a little.

I have an appointment tonight so it looks like I will be recording what looks to be a very good episode of Bones and watching it when I get home. One of these nights, I really am going to go to bed early. Really, I am.

Monday, December 12, 2005


...remember the days of multiple entires? Yeah, well, apparently, they're gone. I just haven't been in to this whole blogging thing lately, and writing about nothing is just plain boring.

That and I'm busy. Life seems to get that way around this time of year, doesn't it? I am definitely much lessed stressed about the whole Christmas thing this year as compared to last, but, no less busy. Maybe even more busy. I always undertake these mammoth projects (homemade Christmas cards this year even...over forty of them!) and then end up with too much to do in too little time. The midnight oil is burned way the heck too often around here lately if you ask me.

Anwyay, didn't mean to complain. I just thought I would let y'all know where I was.

Extreme Makeover

So, my brother in law did make his television debut last night. He was on the segment about the Iraq war vet who had lost both legs in combat. I only saw him once, in the very beginning when they were getting started. Very cool though.

I have seen many Extreme Home episodes that made me cry during the actual time that the show was on (actually, probably every episode I have ever seen has made me cry) but this one got me teary eyed even after it had ended.

I was thinking about how emotionally fulfilling it must be to be say Ty Pennington or any one of the designers on that show, or to be a volunteer for Homes For Troops. It must be so...amazing to know that you can change a life in such a positive and dramatic way with the work that you do. I can't even begin to imagine.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Tune in to ABC tonight, 8pm EST, to watch the Extreme Makeover:Home Edition Holiday Special, featuring work done by my brother in law!

Friday, December 9, 2005

The Infamous Picture

Happy Holidays from The Ellis Family!

That will definitely work as a Christmas pic, don't ya think?

All's well

Emily and Katherine got home an hour late, but they did get here. Ryun's commute was almost 3 hours, but he's here now too!

Big news for tonight...I think I actually managed to get a pic of all three girls the same time! This, I tell you is no small feat.

Blizzard Like Conditions

I opened the door to go out and get the mail and was assaulted by fiercly blowing snow and wind. If y'all could send some "safe trip home" vibes to my kids and husband, that would be great. You know, I am usually impressed with 7 News but they have gotten the last two snowstorms wrong...and they're pissing me off. I doubt that the kids would have been going to school if the weather forcast was like this for the way home. Maybe they should bring Todd back?


...just pulled to standing at her toy chest, in bare feet!.

My life doesn't always seem to work this way but sometimes, just as I really begin to worry that something awful might be wrong(in any situation...not just with Julia), everything works out. I think it might have something to do with my mother honestly. She is a firm believer in the power of prayer. Her prayers for my family as of late, seem to be getting answered. I think I might have to start doing that (again). Somewhere along the line here, I think I might have lost a little faith. I don't think that's a good thing. It's hard to believe in a higher power when everything goes wrong...and it seems like, until recently everything was (going wrong that is). It never occurred to me that maybe, just maybe everything was going wrong just because I didn't believe.

I remember not too long ago, praying to God that no one would find out what I was going through, what had been going on etc. (no, I am not going in to detail here...remember a few months back I was talking about that life changing event? That and that time is what I am referring to) . In a weird twist of fate, it all came out, and I am better for it.

I don't think I am going to take the plunge and go back to church. I am not quite ready for that yet. I just think that I need to get a little more connected, in a spiritual sense. So, I am going to try...and see what happens.

"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."

~Garth Brooks~

Snow and Snow Boots

It's snowing alot! I guess it may change to rain at some point, but when all is said and done, we will have about 3-6 inches on the ground. The kids had school, as the snow didn't start til about 6-7 and the decision whether or not to cancel is made earlier. Route 28 is starting to look bad now though. You know that it must be slippery when people actually slow down to pass.

My shopping trip was successful last night. I crossed 4 people off of the list so that was good.

Aside from Christmas shopping, I was trying to get snowboots for Julia (last year her snowsuit was more like a sleeper, with the covering over her feet to keep her warm). This year though, my mother bought her a regular pants/coat snowsuit so she needed boots. I don't think they make those sleeper type ones for kids over say 12 months because, well, most kids are walking around that time. Anyway, I went to find her boots. Apparently, she has tiny feet for her age because they don't make snow boots in any size smaller than 5. She is a size 3-4. I searched high and low...went to Target, Sears, Walmart, Kids Footlocker, Famous one carries boots in her size. So, having basically no choice, I got her a size 5. She has to wear something on her feet when she goes out to play in the snow with her sisters.

I recorded 3 hours of tv last night while I was out so while Julia is napping, I will be watching that. Other than that, I have a few random things to get done around the house. I think it seems like a good day to stay in jammies though doesn't it?

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Welcome Aboard!

So, tomorrow night we are taking a ride on The Polar Express. It will be leaving at 7:05pm sharp, from Station # 530, located in the Ellis Family Livingroom.

Here's the plan. All three kids are going to be in their new Christmas pajamas. Dad will play conductor (still have to figure out his costume...any ideas are welcome!). I am going to arrange the livingroom furniture so that we can bring in the kitchen chairs and set them up like a train, with a center aisle. I have three train ornaments which we will have the kids (Julia will get a little help from Mama) hang on the tree. I am going to buy hot chocolate and some kind of nougat candy which will be served on board. I have downloaded the Polar Express soundtrack which will play softly in the background, while the story, "The Polar Express" is read aloud by the narrator (AKA me). At the end of the "ride" I will present each kid with a Polar Express Bell, which will also hang on the tree.

I made the invitations to this "gala" event last weekend and Emily and Katherine are sooooooo excited! I am too. I love family bonding nights!

Suz and Baby

My sister is coming over for lunch today with Jack. She is stopping by my mother's office first to visit there, and then heading this way afterward. I am so excited. I am also feeling very lucky to be able to maintain a close relationship with my sister even though she doesn't exactly live close by.

She is going to spend the afternoon and possibly even stay as late as 4, so she can see the kids get off the bus and then go visit my father, who will not get home from work until 4:30 or so (oh yeah, he got a job so YAY!).

I am going to go out food/Christmas shopping tonight. I am planning on making a list of who I am going to by for with the amount of money we have planned on from this weeks check and I will be finshing next weekend some time, after Ryun gets paid on Thursday. I have been so much more organized and less stressed out about this whole Christmas thing this year as compared to last. I think it is because I feel better then I did then. Feeling good is a good thing!

Anyway, I may be back later depending on what I get done around here before Suz and Jack arrive.

Proof Positive

Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Guess who I found standing, yes standing (holding on to the bars but still) in her crib tonight?!?!?


I brought her downstairs to play for ahwile (since apparently she wasn't sleeping) and she managed to pull herself in to a standing position at the coffee table too!

I took pictures (hello, this is me we are talking about here!) and as soon as Blogger actually works and lets me post photos, I will. I have tried a few times and an error message keeps coming up.

But anyway, YAY!


...Julia's first art project!

We had Early Intervention this morning and this was one of the things we worked on. Basically, it is a tree cut out and placed on contact paper. Good idea huh? A fun craft without the mess! Julia had fun pushing the little pieces of paper on the tree.

She really is doing amazingly well with her speech. Not only is she saying more words, but she is saying them (and baby babble) constantly. She follows me around the house all day long calling, "Mama." She is too damn cute.

Anwyay, this paper will be hung on the frigde, along side her sisters' and saved forever as Julia's first art project!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Words That She Says:






Bear- Bear



Signs that she signs!




all done/all gone


Yay for progress!

Christmas tree, Stockings, and Kids

Our stockings, hanging at the stairway.

Our Christmas tree!

Emily and Katherine all bundled up and ready to go to school!

Misbehaving Children

This article definitely caught my attention. Most of you would probably think I would side with the angry parents. Most of you would be wrong. Here's why.

Let's just start with the basics. Mr. McCauley owns the cafe. He is well within his rights to post such a sign. If you are offended, or don't like it, don't go there. It really can be that simple.

As a mother of three, I am well aware (probably more so than those who know my children might think) of what a temper tantrum is like, how easily kids can snap from perfect behavior to not so perfect behavior, how no matter how many times you tell a kid not to do something, no matter how important you make it sound, they will still do it. Not only do I have kids, but, waayyyy back when, I actually was one. So, I'd like to think I have a little experience here.

Have my kids acted out in public? Hell yeah, one of them more so than the others, but that's neither here nor there. Misbehaving in public is going to happen, no matter how much you don't want it to. It's a fact.

Here's the difference between me and all those angry parents out there. If my children are not behaving appropriately, we leave. Or, we go to a private spot (like the bathroom for example) and have a good, firm talk about what is expected of them, and what will happen if those expectations aren't met. If that doesn't work, we leave. Yes, even if we are in the middle of dinner, or the middle of a movie, or in the middle of anything. Forget the people around me who may have came out to enjoy a nice dinner together sans kids, I can't even enjoy my dinner if I am too busy telling my kids not to do this that or the other thing.

Thankfully, it is not often that I have to worry about situations like that. My kids know what is expected of them, and the combination of them knowing and us enforcing, makes most events outside of the home peaceful.

The truth of the matter is that there are some parents who make the rules clear and consistent. I am one of them, and, I do believe that is one of the major reasons behind my kids behaving appropriately while in public.

Right On The Money

Take the Star Trek Quiz

Monday, December 5, 2005


I have been meaning to blog about what I did on Wednesday night with my Mom. We went to hear a speaker at Duxbury Middle School (her name escapes me at the moment) who spoke about dealing with grief when your child is diagnosed with a chronic illness/disease or has special needs. She was a wonderful speaker and I learned two things while there...

1. It's ok to grieve.

2. Things could be much worse.

The best part of the whole evening was when she talked about what brings on the moments of grief. I explained the only two things that seem to get me upset...when someone asks if Julia is walking or why she isn't and when I have to bring Emily to the neurologist, even for just a regular checkup. Just the fact that she even has to go to a neurologist is a trigger. Do you realize that all three of my children have some kind of specialist? Julia has a Developmental Specialist and a Physical Therapist, Emily has the Neurologist (and might have two neuros if she ends up being seen by the neuro that heads up the TSC clinic at Childrens), and Katherine has her endocrinologist.

One thing though...and not that I wish bad on anyone else...going to a meeting like that sure helps me to put things in to perspective. It's the same reason I love my Thursday night meetings so much. When you see how much worse it can be, it makes you all the more grateful for what you have!

Sunday, December 4, 2005


Emily is at the Girl Scout Craft Fair being held at the Sacred Heart Church Parish Hall. We are leaving shortly to pick her up and then heading to Pete and Marie's (AKA Mom and Dad's!) for the afternoon. Suz, John, and Jack will be coming down for the day. We are going to have dinner over there, and then head back home for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

BTW, next weeks episode of EMHE will feature work done by my brother in law (Ryun's sister's hubby). He might even be on tv! How's that for a resume builder? Make sure you tune in...December 11 at 7pm on ABC!

Anyway, back later!

Definitely Daddy's Girl

Apparently, Julia is a Patriots fan! Who knew?

"It's good!"


For the benefit of those who will appreciate it (AHEM ADAM), a picture of Ryun's dinner the other night!

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Still more...

information regarding Julia!

Whether or not she is actually diagnosed with SID, because of the known issues described in my previous entry, the OT will most likely put Julia on a "sensory diet." Basically, a sensory diet is a special set of activities for a child to take part in, which are individually tailored to a child's specific needs.

Given Julia's specific issues, her "diet" will probably consist of some of the following type activities:

Sand Box Play

Foot and Finger Paints

Use of Clay

Mud Pies (eww!)

Water and Flour

Playing in the Grass

Use of a box with a small hand/foot sized opening to explore objects with her hands and feet without the use of vision

Rolling down a grassy hill

Having her rub different textures such as corduroy, terrycloth, fur velvet, wet cloth etc. on her feet especially, but also her hands

These are just a few of the things they may have me do with her, there could be more.

In a nutshell, I will have to expose her to the very things she hates, so that she will get used to the idea and hopefully, with the help of OT and PT, begin to walk.

Friday, December 2, 2005

Further Information...

...regarding the Julia thing.

Most of you know that Julia sees a PT through Early Intervention. She has low muscle tone (Hypotonia) in her arms, legs, and trunk. As a result she is unable to stand unassisted, pull to standing or, obviously, walk. She crawls like crazy, but didn't start until she was 12 1/2 months old. She didn't roll over until she was just about 8 months old, and had a difficult time holding on to things with a firm grip until she was about 9 months old. Her verbal skills are improving in dramatic ways as of late but this too was delayed by about 4 months according to her EI eval way back in July.

Basically, her arms, legs, and hip area, and especially in comparison to other babies of or about her age feel, um, mushy. There is no real resistance at all and there is nothing there that feels even remotely like a muscle.

For quite some time we (we being her PT, EI Speech Therapist, and Ryun and I) have felt she had some sensory issues. She hates it (and by hates I mean freaks out, cries, pulls away, withdraws, yells, and has a major fit) when she is forced to bear weight on her legs in bare feet. When rubbing various textures (rug, hard surfaces, playdough, beads, grass, sand etc) against her feet she does the same thing. If she has socks on, she does a little better, but virtually the only way she will even attempt to bear weight is with shoes on. Even this is difficult for her, given the low tone but she will at least try to do it with shoes on.

She absolutely can not handle the sensation of something being on her face. For example, if she is eating, and a piece of food doesn't quite make it in to her mouth, and instead rests on her lips or her cheek, she wipes at it like it was physically hurting her. Having her face, hands, or even bum wiped with something wet (or dry for that matter) causes great distress and she generally will do just about anything to avoid any of the above circumstances.

These symptoms seem to be the only ones consistent with sensory integration so if she does have it, it seems to me like it would be mild. She doesn't seem to have any issues with physically being touched or being around a lot of people or loud noises.

Sensory integration can exist alone, although most children with it (I think I read some where 70 %) usually have some form of autism, whether it be mild or severe. Julia, at least right now, shows no signs of having autism. She's verbal, makes eye contact, interacts with other well etc.

Anyway, the diagnosis is not definite and at this point, I am not sure that it will be. She definitely has some sensory issues as pointed out above, but I am not sure I would consider it sensory integration.

Thursday, December 1, 2005


I have a lot to say but no energy left to do it. Here it all is...briefly.

Julia will be having an OT eval sometime soon. Her PT is 99% sure she has some form of Sensory Integration Disorder (click on the link in the entry previous to this one to see just what the heck that is).

Emily's bloodwork came back from her neurologist. Her med levels are on the lower end of normal which is just fine. See you in 6 months Dr. C!

I have decided to have a "Polar Express" night with the kids sometime next weekend. I have little train ornaments for them to put on the tree, Polar Express bells, the book, and the movie. I am going to be making special invites which I will be passing out at our next family meeting. More details on what exactly I plan to do will follow in a future entry.

I am leaving first thing in the AM after the kids get on the bus to head north. I am meeting my sis and nephew in Andover at her office so we can browse the craft fair and then get some lunch.

That is all!

A list of things...

...that I know more about than I ever wanted to.

1. Epilepsy

2. Tuberous Sclerosis


4. Ketotic Hypoglycemia

5. Asthma

6. Hypotonia

And...the newest item on the list...

7. Sensory Integration Dysfunction