Friday, September 19, 2003


I have written 208 entries since I started posting in this journal almost two years ago. If I am doing the math right, that means I have written an average of about 2 entries per week. Kind of a bad average but better than not writing at all I guess.
The train came through at 11:00 last night...and then again at 12:30. It has never come through at night...the latest has been maybe 1:00 in the afternoon. I damn near had a heart attack. I jumped out of bed, yelled at Ryun to go check and make sure Katie was ok(Em too but Katie is sort of afraid of the train) , and my heart was racing. The train is only about 20 feet from the back of my house...maybe a bit more. I can see it perfectly from my bedroom window. There's a crossing too...because out behind the tracks are bogs so trucks drive through in order to access them.. So, all the bells and whistles, plus just the sound of the train's a bit loud.
The kids bedrooms upstairs are the full width of the house...back to front so it goes right by their windows as well. Neither of them woke up.
I seriously was beginning to wonder if I had imagined it.
When Ryun came down and said that they were both still asleep, I said to him, "The train did just go by, didn't it?" He looked at me oddly and said, "Umm...yeah, I think so."

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