Tuesday, September 2, 2003

Pirates and Nursing

Last night, my sister and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. Two enthusiastic thumbs up! It was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Johnny Depp...I never even liked him before I saw this movie. He was just unbelievable. He sure has come a long way since 21 Jump Street.
My grandmother fell and broke her wrist. She had to have surgery on it yesterday. Because it is her right wrist and she is right handed, she is going to come stay at my parents house for the duration. My parents both work so I have volunteered to go over and help my grandmother get dressed and eat etc. On top of this, my mother is having back surgery on September 9, so she will be out of communion for a while too. I think that during that time, in addition to helping them dress etc, I will also cook a few meals and bring them over. I feel like a nurse.

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