Saturday, October 4, 2003

Happy Birthday To Me...tomorrow

Finally an answer to the question I have been pondering for years.
Seriously, doesn't it seem odd that scientists would probably spend millions of dollars on figuring out why the cookie crumbles? How about finding a cure for cancer? Or AIDS?
Happy Birthday to me by the way...well tomorrow anyway. Twenty eight years old...and even scarier...two years from thirty.
Someone( not sure who yet) was kind enough to pass their cold on to me. Or maybe I got it first. Either way, I am miserable. I freakin' hate colds. Runny noses, watery eyes, headaches...annoying as all heck.
And dammitt, it's my birthday...I don't want to be sick.
So make me feel better and tell me that I am not old and that you hope I have a happy day, or something like that.
And oh yeah...Brendan is home!! YAY!

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