Katie and I went to lunch today at Friendly's...and she didn't want icecream. Isn't there some kind of a law against that? If not, there should be.
I think she may be coming down with something...not just because she didn't want icecream. Well that too, but also because she has the sniffles and a cough. She went to school this morning though...I am a firm beleiever in going unless you are really, really sick. Routine is good for children.
The mystery man of Rte. 28 has been revealed...well kind of anyway. I have a friend that lives a little further north on 28 so I finally asked him about it. The guy has been walking on 28 for years...in fact two other people that were in on the convo said as much. No one knows much about him...just that he does actually reside in a house in Middleboro and that he is a Vietnam Vet. Weird that I had probably driven down 28 a number of times before I moved here and I never noticed him.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the TV show Will and Grace? OMG that show just makes me laugh and laugh...and laugh some more. Season One came out on DVD a few weeks ago and guess who was first in line to buy it? Yup. Season premiere next week. Can't wait.
Speaking of...got to go shower so I will be done in time for the Survivor season premiere.
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