Monday, August 18, 2003

Winding down

Summer is winding down, and it doesn't even feel like it has started. June was literally a wash. The average rainfall in Massachusetts for June is 3.66 inches...this year we had 5.53 inches. And damn if those extra couple of inches weren't spread daily over the entire month. It rained just about every day. We had a couple of nice weather weeks in July, then a couple of rainy weeks. Our family camping trip was in July, and for some reason it always seems that the month we vacation in just flies by. August is more than half over and in just two shorts weeks, Emily will be back in school.
I think like a lot of people in this state, I feel I have been cheated.
Summer is supposed to be better than this.
Hopefully, the last two weeks will be nice. It looks good so far, but in New England, you never can tell.

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