So, my feet are still about three times their normal size and still quite red. I am debating going to the doctor. I think I probably should given that this happened on Monday and here it is on Thursday and they still don't look any better. I don't really have a primary care though and I depise going to the ER. Unfortunately, the gyn doesn't specialize in sunburned, swollen feet.
Have I ever mentioned here how much I hate feet? My own are fine and cute little baby feet are ok but anyone else's...ewwww. It's just a thing I guess...feet just disgust me. One time as joke, someone got me "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss. I wasn't too impressed.
Anyway, I have done absolutely nothing in the way of housework this week. My damn feet are in too much pain so I have spent a lot of time on the couch just chillin'. I left the house in perfect order before I went to the Cape though so it doesn't look that bad. About the only thing I have done is stack the dishwasher. I hate looking at dishes in the sink. That and coming home from work to a messy livingroom just drive me nutty.
I am thinking about sending Emily here. I was thinking that maybe it would be a good way for her to possibly meet some of the kids she will go to school with starting in September. Of course there is no guarantee that the kids there will be the same as the kids in school but it still would be a fun thing for her to do. It costs a lot of money but it is for two weeks, all day long. I only have a day to decide though since the camp starts on Monday.
Well, I am going to go update the Emily and Katie journal and then attempt to get something done around here.
10:02 a.m. - 2003-08-07
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