Since I have moved to Middleboro about two months ago, I have driven up 28 North maybe 20 times, possibly more. I have gone at various times of day, from early morning right on up through midnight. At least 15 out of the 20 or more times I have driven up that way, I have seen the same person walking somewhat aimlessly in the direction of the rotary, in the Rock Village area to be more precise. The man is raggedy looking, has dirty, old clothes, hasn't shaved, and is always walking with a stagger and as if he has no idea where he is going.
Middleboro is a small town with a practically non-existent homeless population. Seeing something like the guy described above would be normal in a big city such as Boston, but in this small town, he seems just out of place. What strikes me as odd though is not the actual seeing him it is the fact that this man is always in the same general area nearly every time I drive by. And he always looks the same...old, dirty and aimless.
Me being me, I started wondering if this was like one of those movies with the proverbial " bum with a message." You know what I mean, the guy that carries a life changing message such as "Jesus Saves" that only the main characters of the movie notice or can see? The most recent example I can think of is in the movie, "Bruce Amighty" starring Jim Carrey.
I mean why would this same person be there, in the same location, almost every time I drive by? It's just weird. So today, just to be silly and confirm that I wasn't going crazy, I asked Emily if she saw him and she did.
I still think there's a message somewhere, even if I wasn't the only one to notice him.
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