Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where In The World

Jay posted an interesting question in this post.

"Where would you move, if you felt free to do so?"

I commented on the entry, and here is what I said.

New Hampshire Or Vermont. This based only on the states I have visited. I am a very visual person, and it would be hard for me to say that I’d like to live, in say, Indiana, having never been there. Taxes, schools, health insurance etc, issues aside, NH and VT are two places that I have visited on numerous occasions, and fallen more and more in love with every time. It may seem trivial but, it’s the scenery mostly (again with the visual thing). I just find it hard to imagine not waking every day in awe of the beauty. I have always felt at peace in both places, and, that’s important.

How about you?


  1. You have to drive across the country sometime. Or on longer trips. I love Vermont and New Hampshire, but you should see what places like Utah and New Mexico look like. And at least parts of California, even if that's low on our list of options.

    We liked the St. George area of Utah enough that we encouraged Deb's parents to retire there.

  2. I have been to CA and NV. Loved them, but I could never be that far from "home."

  3. I've spent my whole life trying to get away from home, but I just keep following myself around.
