Monday, March 17, 2008


So, the hand surgeon the hospital recommended? Up and moved his practice to the other side of the state. Alrighty then. Time to update the files I'd say.

I decided to go to the BCBS website and find an in network provider, so all possible associated costs would be either cheaper, or completely covered. The closest doctor specializing in hand surgery? In Dartmouth. For someone like me, the liklihood of me going at all is that of a snowball's chance in hell, let alone if I actually have to drive to a town I am only very vaguely familiar with, if at all. I know how to get to The Texas Roadhouse and that about covers it. There are others of course, heading in the opposite direction (Plymouth and points further north) and while I am more likely to be familiar with towns in that area, the drive time is longer. So it's a no win situation. While this may seem like a silly concern to some, remember that this is me we are talking about. I don't do unfamiliar driving. And when unfamiliar driving is combined with some unexplained and irrational fear of doctors? It's probably not going to end well.

And, in all honesty? The fear might be neither unexplained or irrational. For a good two years or so, every time I went to the doctor, it was bad news... not for me per se but for one of the kids, mostly Emily. It's not by any means a conscious thing, but I think that history is playing a part here.

1 comment:

  1. Datmith isnt that far. I beleive it's only up 24 south.

    IF YOU do driving in Boston...girl you can do it.
