Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Email Fixed

After Verizon resolved their problems I still couldn't send email so I ended up changing some antivirus and spyware settings and now all is right with the world. Antivirus and spyware are great, but I often wonder if they are more of a pain in the butt then anything else.

In other technology related news, my cell phone, which has been in dire need of replacement finally came up for a upgrade. I just ordered a Motorola Razr, black in color. It looks like a good phone and I know a couple of people who have had it and liked it. Best of all, it was free so really I can't complain. It should arrive here by Friday.

1 comment:

  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE my razr LOVE IT, i get incredible reception in my basement

    YOUll LOVE IT.
