Saturday, March 22, 2008

Summer Plans

I read somewhere that one way out of the winter blues, is to plan for the upcoming summer. While I suspect that my recent "feeling better" has a lot to do with just the promise of spring and summer coming, I figured it couldn't hurt to plan as well.Confirmed summer plans are as follows:

Girl Scout Camp for Emily and Katherine, July14th-18th.

Camping here which is where we went last summer and LOVED it. We will be renting the small cabin again. We will be going at the end of July.

Return engagement at one of my favorite places on earth,and the scene of one of the best family vacations ever. We will be staying for a week in the beginning of August.

And, just for the heck of it, I will tell you what we are going to do next summer. We're going to Disney World!

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