Thursday, December 6, 2007

Trying Not To Freak

Emily has (well more than likely anyway) an ear infection. She has had only two ear infections in her entire on June 29th, 2004 and one on October 13th, 2004. You might think it odd that I would remember the specific dates, but those dates happen to coincide with something else...her first ever seizure, and her last (known) seizure respectively. So yeah, every time she has ever had an ear infection she has had a seizure.

So, with the news that her med levels are low, and the added fact that she presented to the nurse with a fever of 101.7 and a slight redness to her ear, I am just slightly (ok more than slightly) concerned.

I am going to call the pediatrician when lunch hour is over and try and get an appointment for this afternoon. If I remember correctly the current school of thought with ear infections is to let then "run their course" for a few days before treating (which is just crazy if you ask me) but, I am hoping with her history, that they will make an exception.

As Ryun put it when I told him, "Sometimes an ear infection can just be an ear infection." Let's hope he's on to something there, huh?


  1. Totally agree on the craziness of letting the things be. Who needs the suffering? Fingers crossed that history doesn't threepeat.

  2. well, in all fairness, most ear infections are viral in nature and so while they seem to be responding to antibiotics, they are actually just fading on their own but the doctor can prescribe drops for the pain. But coupled with your daughter's history, I'd say you've got bigger fish to fry...
