Tuesday, December 18, 2007


For the first time last night, Emily wore a bra. For the first time over the weekend, she wore nylons (as opposed to tights). Last night, she wore both at the same time.

So we were getting ready for her concert at school and she said, "God I feel so old with the bra and nylons. Next thing you know, I'll have a boyfriend, a car and a cell phone."

My response (after the laughter): "Let's take it one step at a time, Emily."

Anyway, here's the little darling last night before the show.

Katherine made some comment jokingly about how she looked like a "slob" and Emily looked beautiful so I told them to pose. I told Katherine to be a "drama queen" and Emily to be a "beauty queen." This is the result:

The concert was very good, by the way. I was very impressed with the band, orchestra and chorus, especially considering that the students just started instrument lessons in fourth grade, and chorus in the 5th. They all sounded great.

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