Sunday, April 14, 2002

A random array of thoughts

Emily has graduated from the "toddler" wall at Kids Footlocker to the "big kid" wall and, I let her pick out her own sneakers...even though the ones she liked were not my first choice. Oh yeah, and she is going to Kindergarten in September. I know I talk about this whole Emily's growing up thing a lot but you have to try and understand. I am a mother, and a very sentimental one at that. You just don't realize how fast time goes by until you have children. Really.
So, I haven't updated in awhile. My aunt and my 15 month old cousin were here visiting from California and we spent the whole week together. I have hardly even checked my email! We had such fun...I was sad to see them go back. I really wished we lived closer.
We got the kids pictures taken together and, of course, they came out so cute. Not that I am biased or anything, but I really think that I might have the smartest, cutest children in the entire world. Seriously, and I don't think that the only reason I feel that way is because they are mine. They really are just amazing and I am so lucky to have them.
The other day Ryun and I took the girls down to the waterfront and to Friendly's for lunch. The waitress said to Ryun, "What can I get for you sir?" Emily said, "Hey, my Daddy's not that old." It was so funny. She automatically thought sir was meant for someone "old". She cracks me up.
I am so happy that spring has arrived! This is one of my favorite times of year. I love the warm weather and the blooming flowers. It is supposed to be 70 degrees and sunny all week long.
Perfect if you ask me!

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