Monday, February 15, 2010

Life After Death Etc.

Julia has had many questions about where we go after we die, and about how we got here to begin with. I am sure this is related to the recent passing of Nana. I find Julia's take on this very interesting and wonder how she has come to some of the conclusions that she has.

Our conversation started this morning with her deciding that before we are born we are skeletons and when God decides it is time for us to come to earth, he gives us skin and all of our body parts. She asked how we "got" her and I explained to her that she was a special gift from God that he gave to us (way too early for her to be having the birds and the bees talk!). She said, "Yeah, and since you told me that you and Daddy aren't going to have any more kids that means that I made our family complete." I told her that she was right (and she really was right...I always knew after Katherine that we were "supposed" to have one more child and after Julia arrived, I knew the family was complete). She asked who was the first member of our family. I told her it started with Daddy and I and then came Emily, Katherine and her. I told her the next members of our family would be the kids that she and her sisters may have when they were adults. She exclaimed, "I call getting to feed and hold the baby!" Funny kid, considering the baby she was talking about could very well be her own! After some quiet time thinking about all of this she asked, "Mom, after we all die and then come back to this planet, will I need to go to preschool again?" Apparently, she believes in reincarnation! She also very logical, thinking that when we come back we must start over again from the beginning.

Anyway, it was interesting, hearing her views about all of this.

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