Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dream Interpretation

As mentioned on Facebook, I had a dream last night that involved an earthquake (2 actually), Styrofoam, crayons and magnets. It went like this...

I was living with my family in some sort of small town...the kind were everyone knows each other. We were all intensely close and it sort of had the feeling of some hippie commune type thing. Anyway, one day there was an earthquake. The earthquake was caused by some sort of magnetic field/magnet and Styrofoam. While it was known that these two things were the cause of the earthquake, their exact involvement was unclear. After the earthquake there were many odd, unexplained things that had happened as a result but no one could figure out how to fix/explain things. Life went on and a few years later there was another earthquake, again caused by magnets and Styrofoam. This time my kids figured out that if they colored the Styrofoam with crayons, it would lessen the intensity of the earthquake as well as lessen the weird, unexplained after effects of the quake. The dream ended in a bedroom that was clearly meant to be my kids, with them coloring in their backboards on the bed (which were made of Styrofoam).

Ok , so my first thought upon waking was that I was channeling LOST with weird magnetic field things going on. I knew for sure that Styrofoam and magnets would be in the dream dictionary because people just don't dream about those two things without them clearly meaning something, in a symbolic kind of way. Here is what I found:

To dream of an earthquake means that you are experiencing a major shake up that is threatening your stability or foundation.

To see crayons in your dreams may mean you need to think outside the lines and do things in a more unconventional way.

To dream of magnets means that negative forces are drawing you toward a path of ruin.

To see Stryofoam in your dream means that you are undergoing some form of transition in your life.

I of course have my own interpretations of what this all means. Some of it though, I am still trying to figure out. I will be sure to update here when I do!

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