Friday, October 2, 2009

Tap, Tap, Tap. Is This Thing On?

Yes, I am back. Yes it has been close to four months since the last update here. Yes, I am ashamed. And yes, I am listening to the Fray, which has absolutely nothing to do with anything but somehow seemed to fit in to this paragraph.

So, clearly this would be the longest blog post ever if I were to update you all on what has gone on in my life over the past four months. We can just sum it up in two words: nothing major. Life has just gone on, you know? It makes sense, at least to me, to start from here, this moment right now and go forward.

Or perhaps we could fast forward a day or two until Monday when I officially have to report for jury duty. In making every effort to get out of this, I have indicated on the jury questionnaire that I am of the opinion that if the police have arrested someone, they are more than likely guilty. I don't really think that of course but, it seems like it will be one heck of a good reason for me not to serve. Civic duty be darned. Let's face it people; jury duty sucks.

I sat on a jury once. It was some silly personal injury case in which the pizza delivery dude who slipped on ice while making a delivery was suing for some crazy amount of money. I remember thinking that the monetary compensation he ended up receiving was so dramatically less than what he was asking for, that the whole court procedure was a wast of his time. There's no question that it was a waste of mine.

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