Thursday, October 15, 2009

Busy Much

Just for the fun of it, here is what I have on tap this year for activities etc.

-Three girls in 3 separate dance classes.

-Two girls in 2 separate Girl Scout Troops.

-one girl playing basketball.

-one girl involved with the Art Club and Student Council at school.

-one Mom (ME!) President of the PTA

-one Mom (me again!) chairing the PTA Advocacy Committee

-one Mom (guess who?) being active members of the following PTA subcommittees: the Green Team, Bake Sale, and Teacher Appreciation.

-one Mom(three guesses): member of the middle school PTSA.

-one Mom (still me!) volunteering every Monday afternoon in Kindergarten.

-one Mom (uh huh) being the Room Parent to a 4th grade classroom.

-one mom (yes) serving on the Kindergarten School Council.

-one Mom (you guessed it) serving on the MA State PTA Legislative Advocacy Committee.

-one Mom (enough already!) working 20 hours per week.

Busy much?!?!? I am not complaining really. These PTA/Advocacy/Volunteer type things? Are what I was put on this earth to do and I love it.

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