Monday, October 5, 2009


So, after all of the hemming and hawing I did about jury duty, a sick child got me out of it...until next Tuesday that is. Emily is home with me today with various complaints of pain, and a cough to go with it. She definitely seems a bit off and is fairly mellow. Is it terrible for me to say that she is much easier to deal with when she is sick? Probably, but it's true. She's too mellow to be the dramatic preteen that she usually is, too tired to be fresh, and too blah to give that famous eye roll. of course, I do hope she feels better soon!

As much as I hated the idea of jury duty, I was sort of looking forward to getting it over with. I am also not sure what to do with myself today now that I have the day off. Work is always an option, as are PTA things, fall decorating, laundry, housecleaning etc. I am pretty spontaneous but I do have to say when my plan or the day is changed, it kind of throws me off kilter. I am sure I will figure something out.

Anyway, off to it...whatever it is!

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