Friday, November 7, 2008

In an attempt... cheer myself up, I actually listened to Christmas music in the car today. Three local stations are playing it all the time now. This seems absurdly early to me, but it seems like every year, this type of thing starts earlier and earlier.

Anyway, since I am one of those that actually enjoys Christmas music, I though this might help. It didn't. Instead I found it mildly annoying, and ended up switching to a country mix cd I made last week.

Anyway, the point? I am in a yucky mood. Ryun got news at work that he may be getting laid off in a few weeks, I had a phone call from Emily's teacher which in and of itself wasn't stressful, just Emily's reaction was, and I all but confirmed a diagnosis of Asperger's at Julia's PT conference last night.

So yesterday? Kind of sucked.

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