Sunday, August 31, 2008

Living In The Woods

One of the downsides of living in the woods (or at least on the border of miles upon miles of woods? Mice.

We've seen them every once in a while in the basement. Ryun has traps set which usually prevent them from getting any further, but, on very rare occasions we have seen them in other areas of the house.

Case-in-point? Today, while I was sitting in my freshly cleaned and organized office, a baby mouse crashed head on in to my croc and took of in to an area unknown, hopefully with a freakin' concussion that will end his life. So me? I screamed like the girl I am and called my husband, the resident "bug and rodent killer" in to rescue me. Of course, the sneaky bastard (the mouse, not Ryun...although...) was gone upon Ryun's arrival...almost as if he knew what fate held in store for him.

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