Friday, August 29, 2008


We have managed to get Julia sleeping in her own bed, and for the most part, starting the night in her own room. She stills seems to wake a lot (almost always once a night, sometimes more than once) so I have been going up, sitting in the rocking chair until she falls back asleep and then coming back down. It's been working fairly well (beyond the interrupted sleep and just plain annoyance of having to get out of bed in the middle of the night). Apparently, she has gotten used to the whole plan too, because at about 5:30 this morning, instead of crying, I could hear her over the monitor saying, "The rocking chair, the rocking chair." This all well and good, and certainly better than saying or otherwise implying that she wants to be brought down to our bed, but I am wondering at what point I should be expecting her to employ the method of self soothing? I mean, she is not always waking from a bad dream...sometimes she just wakes up for no apparent reason. Even then, she needs someone to come up and sit with her until she falls back.

I have no idea. But, GO ME for actually making a plan and sticking to it, even if it has been hard.

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