As mentioned in a previous entry, Emily's EEG came back completely normal! I had a feeling it would, call it mother's instinct, but actual proof that she appears to be done with seizures (at least for now) is nice. We have to get the official word from her neurologist who is on vacation until the beginning of September, but based on our past conversations, her clear EEG will mean that we will be gradually decreasing her medicine until it is no more. It's exciting and somewhat frightening at the same time, but Emily, when we found out that it was clear was oddly unexcited. When I asked her why, with the team of neurologists (Children's is a teaching hospital so we have students right through to attendings that come see Emily) still standing around she said, "I don't want to go home. The food is really good here." Everyone laughed, and I am trying not to be offended that she thinks hospital food is better than what I cook at home. Actually, what I think she meant by that is that she will miss being able to order room service off of a menu, which is how Children's handles the food service there.
Anyway, I took pictures.

It's not often that I see any of my kids with their hair completely off of their face (hello, have you seen how much hair my kids have?!?!). She looks beautiful, and scarily grown up.

And this, speaking of all of that hair? This is what it looked like after the leads were taken off. Three bottles of shampoo at the hospital (small, sample size but still), a couple of hours in the pool, and a shower or two since? She
still looks like she has a bad dandruff problem. I am sure she will be all set after another couple of showers.
Great news! Would just like to know what you feed Emily that she looks soooo mature!