Monday, May 13, 2002

WARNING: read at your own risk

So, as you may have noticed, I was a little pissed off when writing my last entry, maybe even a little rude too. Oh well, what can I say? I am a stubborn, red-headed Irish woman who, this week happens to have PMS. So there you have excuse to be a bitch! Maybe no one else will buy that, but hey it works for me.
So, its official. I am a Borders junkie. I am serious. It is quite possible that I could shop only at this store for the rest of my life and still die a happy woman. If I worked there, I would never get paid.
Emily told my sister that if she kept crying, she would get what she wants. Can you believe that? Until my sister heard Emily say that, she was a "pushover." Not anymore needless to say. Emily is too smart. She understands concepts that are (or should be anyway) way above her level. I she got that from her stunningly brilliant mother. I just know.
I was taking laundry out of the dryer today and I gave Katherine her "night-night." That would be her infamous security blanket just in case you were wondering. Anyway, when I gave it to her she said and I quote, "Thank you. Thank you VERY MUCH." She has never said that before...the "very much" part I mean. It was cute.
Speaking of the "night-night" who thinks I should take it away? She is 2 1/2. Is it time to take it away or should I just let her decide on her own when she is done with it? I think that I should wait until she decides on her own. The only reason I ask is because certain people who shall remain nameless think I should take it way. Besides, she looks so damn cute holding her "night-night" right up by her cheek while she sucks her thumb. Anyway, we will call this an informal poll. To take the night night or not? You decide. Oh yeah and be sure to let me know.
I graduated from Carver High School nine years ago. Hell, I am getting old. Not as old as my loving husband though, who will have graduated 10 years ago this coming June. Now, he is old and according to Emily, the strongest person in the world. Random, I know.
Did anyone watch ER on Thursday? I cried. Not just tears in my eyes but full-fledged crying, with sobbing to boot. I cried like Dr. Greene was someone I knew personally. He died and it was heart-wrenching.

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