Monday, March 25, 2002

You must be stupid or insane

In classic and oh so typical Adelphia style, cable went out on the evening of a major television broadcast. The entire town of Abington missed the Oscars this evening as the cable was out for over twelve hours. The customers were, well lets just say angry does not even begin to describe. About the only good thing tonight was that the technician out working on the problem kept me laughing so hard it hurt. He is one of those people who is funny without even trying to be. If there is an outage and he is on call, if nothing else I can be guaranteed a good laugh (which is always good when you have an entire town of people calling you and the company you work for every name in the book).
It is a good thing that I do not take it to heart when people tell me, "You must be stupid to work for a company like Adelphia" or "What are you insane? I hope they treat their employees better than they treat their customers." I always think that on my last day working here (whenever that will be)I will tell off the first customer who pisses me of. Say something like, "Your tv is off, why don't you go read a damn book" or "My tv is working fine, I don't give a shit if yours is or not." Or, even better, agree when they say,"Adelphia sucks." That would be fun. Unfortunately right now I need the job and the good money it pays so the fun will just have to wait.

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