Friday, March 15, 2002

Katie's accident and the junkyard

So, I jinxed myself...or I jinxed Katie anyway. Remember my last entry, the 101 things about me list? Well, number 50 said that Katie had only had one trip to the ER. Correction as of last night. She now has equalled her sisters number with two visits in about the same amount of time. On Friday night, she tripped over her own feet and went mouth first into Emily's toy fire engine. She managed to get quite a gash on her lower lip and, although it did not require stitches, the ER doctor said she will have a small scar. He also put her on an antibiotic to prevent infection. The mouth is very prone to infection but, she is also a thumb sucker so he was concerned about germs/bacteria. I never realized how "unsanitary" thumbsucking can be. When you think about it, everything you touch goes right in to your mouth. Anyway, Katie is one tough cookie I must say. She hardly cries at all when she gets hurt. She has a strong thresh hold for pain. I do too.
So that was the "excitement" for the weekend. Oh yeah, and I finally got the title in the mail for the Topaz. So, tomorrow we will b making a trip to the junkyard. Yay! My mother will be so happy to have it out of her yard.

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