Today, before I left for work, Emily and Katie were fighting over a Barney Laptop Computer. They started off playing nicely together with Emily showing Katie how it worked. It was actually a very sweet scene...until I decided it was time to leave for work. Emily likes to watch me leave from her bedroom window so, she proceeded upstairs with the computer still in her hands. To put it mildly, Katie was not happy with this. She screamed at the top of her lungs, "Emeeeee, NOOOOOOO!" Emily yelled, also on the top of her lungs,"Yes Katie, I am going to watch Mama and you are too little to play with this"(The toy was actually a gift to Katie from Santa). Ryun was busy washing dishes and after I tried on my own to peacefully resolve the situation, I realized that if I did not leave for work, I would be late. So, I told Ryun to take over so I could get my coat on and go. He did and, as I was leaving I could tell that things were finally under control. Needless to say it was hectic and loud before leaving. Two kids screaming, the stereo on, the water running etc. This was one of the few days I was
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