Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ok, so I Lied.

I didn't think I had anything else to say tonight, or any time soon for that matter, but I just read this article and was inspired.

I am not one who usually make's an active effort when it comes to New Year's resolutions, but, this year? I am just going to make the overall resolution to improve on myself, in whatever small and big ways I see fit. So, from that list, I am going to try this year to do the following to improve upon my parenting skills:

Don't clip your child's wings. Your child's mission in life is to gain independence. So when she's developmentally capable of putting her toys away, clearing her plate from the table, and dressing herself, let her. Giving a child responsibility is good for her self-esteem (and your sanity!).

Don't try to fix everything. Give young kids a chance to find their own solutions. When you lovingly acknowledge a child's minor frustrations without immediately rushing in to save her, you teach her self-reliance and resilience.

Play with your children. Let them choose the activity, and don't worry about rules. Just go with the flow and have fun. That's the name of the game.

Read books together every day. Get started when he's a newborn; babies love listening to the sound of their parents' voices. Cuddling up with your child and a book is a great bonding experience that will set him up for a lifetime of reading.

Fess up when you blow it. This is the best way to show your child how and when she should apologize.

Trust your mommy gut. No one knows your child better than you. Follow your instincts when it comes to his health and well-being. If you think something's wrong, chances are you're right.

Show your child how to become a responsible citizen. Find ways to help others all year. Kids gain a sense of self-worth by volunteering in the community.

Savor the moments. Yes, parenthood is the most exhausting job on the planet. Yes, your house is a mess, the laundry's piled up, and the dog needs to be walked. But your kid just laughed. Enjoy it now -- it will be over far too fast.

Some of these I already do to one degree or another. Some of them are harder than they may seem (like not trying to fix everything and allowing greater independence). The independence one is especially difficult as they get older...not so much with the younger toddler years...but the older pre-teen years.

Anyway, i figure these are good goals to aspire to. We'll see how it goes.

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