Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kindergarten and Julia

Things I Am Nervous About (more so than I would be normally or than I was w/ Emily and Katherine) In List Form:

---The big bus, for a multitude of reasons..she's so small and the seats are huge in comparison, the crazy bus transfer thing, the number of kids on the bus, and the specific guided direction she will need and won't get unless she's on the mini bus.

---the classroom. I have a hard time picturing Julia sitting attentively in a classroom, without an aid consistently re-directing and reassuring her.

---the full day.

---the bathroom. She has a weird "thing" about bathrooms and I find it highly unlikely that she will go to a bathroom on her own without an adult there (she does this at home of course but I mean in a public sort of bathroom situation at school) or that if she does manage to go to the bathroom herself, if she will be able to find her way back to her class, or not choose to go wondering.

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