Thursday, February 21, 2008

Like The Top Of The Chrysler Building

My house is officially clean. Like majorly, seriously, totally clean. I have spent the past couple of days going "house" cleaning the house. From top to bottom, side to side and back to front, this place looks pretty damn good if you ask me (well, except for the entry way which I need to vacuum but alas, everyone is asleep). It feels remarkably good to have accomplished this, but even more exciting? I am caught up on laundry. Yeah, I know, right?

It's nice to have an reason to do this every once in a while, because God knows the liklihood of such intense cleaning getting done without one is not good. This time my excuse was company coming in the form of Wayne and his kids, and, even though he would probably be telling me to not worry about it and not to clean for him, I would just like to publicly say, "Thanks Wayne, for giving me an excuse." Because darn, it's nice to feel all clean and organized. Oh, and I am looking forward to seeing you...ha ha ha!

And, for the next five minutes before bed I am going to enjoy the view because I am quite sure that once dawn breaks and the kids awaken from their slumber, the picture will be completely different.

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