Monday, February 25, 2008

Blogroll Updates

I have added a few casino-related blogs to the old blogroll.

Bellicose Bumpkin is the blog of Mark Belanger, anti-casino activist and very well versed spokesperson on why a casino would not be a good thing.

Casino FAQS is the blog of Brian Giovannoni, chairman of the Casino Resort Advisory Committee, who claims to be neither for or against the casino.

Coffee Shop Talk is the blog of Selectman, Attorney, and Radio Show Host Adam Bond, who from all accounts is pro-casino.

Gladys Kravitz is the blog of Bridgewater resident Mary Tufts, who is most definitely anti-casino.

And finally, we have Media Nation the blog of Dan Kennedy, former Middleboro resident, assistant professor at the Northeastern University School of Journalism, published author and anti-casino supporter.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. I love your blog, and have enjoyed the humor behind some of the entries! : )
