...here is this year's weekly schedule!
Monday: Emily has voice lessons from 5-5:30, Ryun has poker at 8pm.
Tuesdays: Emily and Katherine have their combo class at Jungle Gym from 5-6:30 (1/2 hour each of Cheerleading, Gymnastics and Fitness).
Every other Wednesday: Katherine and I have Girl Scouts (I am one of her leaders).
Every other Thursday: Emily has Girl Scouts from 6-7:30, I have my weekly MDDA meeting.
2nd Wednesday of every month: I have PTA at 7.
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Julia will be in preschool from 8:50-11:20.
Throw in a few doctors appointments for good measure, other random town related meetings that are sure to come up with this casino thing, and another committee i am thinking of joining and this proves to be another busy year.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Cat Question For Anyone Who May Know
One of our cats, Pal, is losing fur by the clump. Literally, big, old clumps of fur are falling off of his back. He's about the furriest cat I have ever seen so it doesn't seem to even make a difference as far as how he looks but it's weird. He's acting like his usual self, eating right, and doesn't appear to be in any kind of pain. Thoughts?
The stiff neck...
...is gone. Apparently, I am too old to sleep on a couch. My back hurts now but, that's because I have spent the last 2 days at the school, sorting, boxing and delivering boxes upon boxes of Entertainment books for the PTA Fundraiser. Thankfully, I have had help because OH MY GOD. Sorting over 1800 books...not exactly my idea of fun. Big props go out to my kids, who have been more helpful than probably any one combined, and, have sacrificed their last full week of summer at school. This includes Julia who has spent more time in her carriage than should be considered legal for a three year old. I'm am leaving it up to y'all to remind me NOT to volunteer to do this again next year.
Anyway, the schedule this week has been and will continue to be hectic which just proves that this school year is right around the corner.
Where did the summer go?
Anyway, the schedule this week has been and will continue to be hectic which just proves that this school year is right around the corner.
Where did the summer go?
Monday, August 27, 2007
Not Good
I have had a stiff/sore neck for two days now and been on-again, off-again nauseous all day today. If I hadn't slept on a couch Saturday night (at my parents house with my sister and the girls), if Ryun wasn't in the throws of a full-fledged head cold,and if I wasn't slightly stressed out, I might be concerned. Otherwise, I feel fine. Having a stiff/sore and nausea together can not be a good thing though, so, if it doesn't go away within the next day or two, I guess a visit to the doctor will be in order.
"Hey Katherine, wanna watch Survivorman?
"That show that Daddy watches? Yeah, sure!"
They are so Ryun sometimes, it's almost scary.
"That show that Daddy watches? Yeah, sure!"
They are so Ryun sometimes, it's almost scary.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hot, Disgusting Weather...
...TAKE A HIKE, please? Thanks. I hate when it's too hot to do...well, anything. I have an office to clean, PTA fundraising work to do, and as usual laundry. Instead, I am going to bed in the air conditioned room because just sitting here is causing ungodly amounts of sweat to drip from my body. It's the end of August...time for 70 ish degree weather.
Julia: "Here Auntie (as she hands Heather a cassette tape she found in the porch)."
Heather: "Julia, what is this?"
Me: "Heather, she was born in 2004, she won't know what that is. Show her a CD and we may have a different story."
Heather: "Julia, what is this?"
Me: "Heather, she was born in 2004, she won't know what that is. Show her a CD and we may have a different story."
Quiz...Take 2
You Are a Ferris Wheel |
Deep down, you are a fun, whimsical, and easygoing person. You often enjoy life for what it is, and the littlest changes in course can be quite thrilling. In relationships, people tend to feel what you feel. It can be liberating at first... But after a while, the people closest to you end up feeling a little trapped. Your life has perfectly normal cycles of ups and downs. However, you can't help but sometimes feel that you're missing out on the most exciting aspects of life. You only are happy when you're experiencing the highest of highs. Your low points just make you feel depressed, restless, and bored. At your best, you feel on top of the world with a great sense of perspective. You believe that anything is possible, and that you are happily looking down on everyone else. At your worst, you feel like your life is going in circles. You often feel like you're not going anywhere. This is sometimes psychologically disorienting. And sometimes it brings on a sense of hopelessness. |
You Are Sunrise |
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
Via Jay.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Emily: An Amazing Transformation
Things with Emily have recently been coming to a point in which I was seriously considering counseling for both her and I. I was having a very tough time dealing with her behavior and she seemed seriously beyond any control of her own emotions. She was angry, all of a sudden clumsy (she was falling down a lot and disobeying "safety rules") and couldn't follow a simple set of directions to the point of my wondering if she may have been having seizures that we weren't aware of but perhaps could be causing these behaviors.
Our recent vacation was wonderful most of the time, but even there, with the pressures of "real life" set aside for the moment, she had a few total meltdowns. I couldn't help but think of the last time we were camping...she was 6 years old and life was well, just different. She was calmer, more peaceful and just seemed...happier. It was the next summer that would bring her diagnosis of Epilepsy and an abnormal MRI, with a problem detected in the frontal lobe of her brain. At her parent-teacher conferences prior to her diagnosis little things would crop up (her kindergarten teacher said that she seemed a little immature, her 1st grade teacher said she was lacking in her organizational skills). These things were concerning of course, but it was her 2nd grade teacher who really hit it home saying that she wasn't passing in her homework, was speaking out of turn and not raising her hand, had a disorganized desk and was being slightly disruptive in the classroom. This was the year we invoked her 504 plan, based on a diagnosis of ADHD: Inattentive Type given by her neurologist. This was based on his own observations and medical findings related to the MRI, as well as forms filled out by her teacher and I. As things at school and at home continued to go downhill in regard to her attention and planning, organization and time management, and impulsive behavior, we decided to have a neuro-psych evaluation done which indicated severe ADHD: Inattentive Type as well as Executive Function Disorder. It was recommended that she be evaluated for Special Ed services (which I knew she wouldn't qualify for given that despite her issues she was still making academic progress). I was right. We ended up adding a few accommodations to her 504 and called it a day.
Things had been getting so bad around here lately that I was legitimately getting concerned about the upcoming school year. Would any of this behavior come out at school? How was her schoolwork going to be affected? Would she manage to hold it all in at school, thereby exploding when she got home?
On Monday, Emily woke up with what I thought was the start of a cold. Her nose was so blocked that she was blowing her nose literally every five minutes. I gave her Dimetab, which has been the be all end all of colds in this house. On Tuesday, it hadn't yet gone away and she was still going through tissues like they were going out of style. About a year ago (or possibly longer) we had Emily's allergies tested after a reaction to a dog. It came back that she was allergic to dogs, cats, every kind of grass, every kind of tree, dust, and had a small reaction to peanuts and soy. She, except for the hives from the dog, had not been having any symptoms of allergies so we didn't treat her for them. So, on Tuesday I decided that maybe she was having some sort of major allergy attack and had Ryun stop and buy Children's Claritin on the way home. It worked almost immediately. We have been giving to her each night since.
On Wednesday, Emily and Katherine started camp at a local kids gym that is connected to a regular gym. Part of what the camp entails is an hour of cardio using some of the equipment in the gym (treadmills, stairmasters etc). The instructors show them how to use them and let them try different machines. They are required to stay on the machine of choice for at least 10 minutes at a time before they switch around to another machine, so as to get the cardio benefits. They also do gymnastics, free play and arts and crafts.
So, where am I going with this? Since we have started treating her allergies and she has been getting exercise, her attitude has all but vanished. In my quest to "figure her out" I had been doing a lot of reading. Turns out untreated allergies can be a major factor in diminished attention spans and behavior, and, exercise can actually have benefits other than the physical ones. Emily is living proof.
So, it looks like my $600 treadmill is going to get some use, other than as a collector of dust, and stocks for the makers of Claritin are going to go up.
She's still a hormonal "tween" and she's still too smart for her own good but her attitude level has gone from like a 10 to a 5-6. A 5-6 is manageable people, almost even enjoyable because she is gone back to the smarter and funnier Emily that was sort of MIA for a while.
Our recent vacation was wonderful most of the time, but even there, with the pressures of "real life" set aside for the moment, she had a few total meltdowns. I couldn't help but think of the last time we were camping...she was 6 years old and life was well, just different. She was calmer, more peaceful and just seemed...happier. It was the next summer that would bring her diagnosis of Epilepsy and an abnormal MRI, with a problem detected in the frontal lobe of her brain. At her parent-teacher conferences prior to her diagnosis little things would crop up (her kindergarten teacher said that she seemed a little immature, her 1st grade teacher said she was lacking in her organizational skills). These things were concerning of course, but it was her 2nd grade teacher who really hit it home saying that she wasn't passing in her homework, was speaking out of turn and not raising her hand, had a disorganized desk and was being slightly disruptive in the classroom. This was the year we invoked her 504 plan, based on a diagnosis of ADHD: Inattentive Type given by her neurologist. This was based on his own observations and medical findings related to the MRI, as well as forms filled out by her teacher and I. As things at school and at home continued to go downhill in regard to her attention and planning, organization and time management, and impulsive behavior, we decided to have a neuro-psych evaluation done which indicated severe ADHD: Inattentive Type as well as Executive Function Disorder. It was recommended that she be evaluated for Special Ed services (which I knew she wouldn't qualify for given that despite her issues she was still making academic progress). I was right. We ended up adding a few accommodations to her 504 and called it a day.
Things had been getting so bad around here lately that I was legitimately getting concerned about the upcoming school year. Would any of this behavior come out at school? How was her schoolwork going to be affected? Would she manage to hold it all in at school, thereby exploding when she got home?
On Monday, Emily woke up with what I thought was the start of a cold. Her nose was so blocked that she was blowing her nose literally every five minutes. I gave her Dimetab, which has been the be all end all of colds in this house. On Tuesday, it hadn't yet gone away and she was still going through tissues like they were going out of style. About a year ago (or possibly longer) we had Emily's allergies tested after a reaction to a dog. It came back that she was allergic to dogs, cats, every kind of grass, every kind of tree, dust, and had a small reaction to peanuts and soy. She, except for the hives from the dog, had not been having any symptoms of allergies so we didn't treat her for them. So, on Tuesday I decided that maybe she was having some sort of major allergy attack and had Ryun stop and buy Children's Claritin on the way home. It worked almost immediately. We have been giving to her each night since.
On Wednesday, Emily and Katherine started camp at a local kids gym that is connected to a regular gym. Part of what the camp entails is an hour of cardio using some of the equipment in the gym (treadmills, stairmasters etc). The instructors show them how to use them and let them try different machines. They are required to stay on the machine of choice for at least 10 minutes at a time before they switch around to another machine, so as to get the cardio benefits. They also do gymnastics, free play and arts and crafts.
So, where am I going with this? Since we have started treating her allergies and she has been getting exercise, her attitude has all but vanished. In my quest to "figure her out" I had been doing a lot of reading. Turns out untreated allergies can be a major factor in diminished attention spans and behavior, and, exercise can actually have benefits other than the physical ones. Emily is living proof.
So, it looks like my $600 treadmill is going to get some use, other than as a collector of dust, and stocks for the makers of Claritin are going to go up.
She's still a hormonal "tween" and she's still too smart for her own good but her attitude level has gone from like a 10 to a 5-6. A 5-6 is manageable people, almost even enjoyable because she is gone back to the smarter and funnier Emily that was sort of MIA for a while.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Jack and Julia
I can't even tell you much these two love each other. From Jack chants of, "JULA, JULA" every time he hears the mere mention of her name to Julia naming her dolls, "Baby Jack", the two of them are inseparable when they are together. The bond is strong, and the picture below, courtesy of my sister Suzanne proves it.

In this other shot, also courtesy of Suz, the colors are so vibrant that it almost makes up for Julia looking like she's gonna kill you if you so much as think about taking her picture.

In this other shot, also courtesy of Suz, the colors are so vibrant that it almost makes up for Julia looking like she's gonna kill you if you so much as think about taking her picture.

That Explains It
From the first time I heard the chairman of the tribe speak at a meeting here in town, I just got a bad feeling. Like he was shady, or something...I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I guess the fact that he is convicted rapist and liar might explain it.
Still, Adam is right. It really is irrelevant to the casino deal. Interesting though.
I guess the fact that he is convicted rapist and liar might explain it.
Still, Adam is right. It really is irrelevant to the casino deal. Interesting though.
Feeling Accomplished...
...feels good.
So far, I have cleaned the bathroom, the entire kitchen, and folded all of the kids laundry from our camping trip. Still left...folding my clothes and cleaning the office.
Of course, this onslaught of housework comes when I have about a million things I want to post about but alas, they will have to wait. I have to stick with the housework before the motivation and desire take leave, you know? Otherwise, it might never get done.
Anyway, I will be back at some point maybe later today or, over the weekend.
So far, I have cleaned the bathroom, the entire kitchen, and folded all of the kids laundry from our camping trip. Still left...folding my clothes and cleaning the office.
Of course, this onslaught of housework comes when I have about a million things I want to post about but alas, they will have to wait. I have to stick with the housework before the motivation and desire take leave, you know? Otherwise, it might never get done.
Anyway, I will be back at some point maybe later today or, over the weekend.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Things That Are Working On My Last Nerve
1. Katherine screaming like she just lost a limb every time Emily breathes too loudly, looks at her the wrong way, hits her, or yells at her.
2. Emily's fresh mouth, apparent hormonal imbalances, and the fact that she appears to live in order to torture and torment Katherine.
3 The huge pile of laundry that is clean but still needs to be folded and put away. The only sucky thing about going on vacation.
4. The anxiety I am feeling about the upcoming school year...and all that it encompasses. What the hell? I am never anxious about these kind of things.
5. Life in general. Just having one of those "I hate the world" kinda days that we all have now and again.
2. Emily's fresh mouth, apparent hormonal imbalances, and the fact that she appears to live in order to torture and torment Katherine.
3 The huge pile of laundry that is clean but still needs to be folded and put away. The only sucky thing about going on vacation.
4. The anxiety I am feeling about the upcoming school year...and all that it encompasses. What the hell? I am never anxious about these kind of things.
5. Life in general. Just having one of those "I hate the world" kinda days that we all have now and again.
Monday, August 20, 2007
High School Musical 2
I was reading an article about how HSM 2 took in a record breaking audience and it reminded me of something I forgot to mention previously. Because we knew that it was premiering during our vacation, we set the DVR to record it. While we were on the way home, I suggested to Ryun and the kids that we have a "family night" and watch it together on Sunday night. Everyone thought it was a fantastic idea.
Apparently though, somewhere between my mentioning it and us getting home, the girls changed their minds. They ran in the house, threw whatever bags they had down on the ground and immediately turned on the tv to confirm it had recorded. A loud cheer followed by a 2 hour sitting on the couch glued to the set came next. Oh well.
Apparently though, somewhere between my mentioning it and us getting home, the girls changed their minds. They ran in the house, threw whatever bags they had down on the ground and immediately turned on the tv to confirm it had recorded. A loud cheer followed by a 2 hour sitting on the couch glued to the set came next. Oh well.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Vacation Review
I did actually keep a paper blog of sorts while we were gone, which consisted mainly of notes as opposed to actual entries but, it was a good idea I thought to help remember the finer details.
Perhaps the most noteworthy "finer detail?" The skunk that lived under our cabin. Yes that's right, a skunk. We discovered this when on Monday night we were out enjoying the campfire and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black and white fluffy thing moving along the border of the cabin. I said, "Oh my God Ryun, that's a skunk!" and then, "Quick, run to the car!" Emily, in typical Emily fashion made us laugh about it a few days later when she quipped, "Running away from the campfire and jumping in to the car to get a way from a skunk...what a classic camping moment." Our furry friend made a few more appearances during the week but thankfully appearances were all he made.
In other Emily-related humor (and this is more than likely TMI but a must share moment nonetheless), one night while the girls and I were inside, Ryun who was out tending to the fire let out this obnoxiously loud burp. Emily immediately comes up with this observant and oh so Emily comment:"Ah, the sounds of nature...the birds chirping in the trees, squirrels running through the grassy fields of New Hampshire and Daddy burping."
We were very lucky weather-wise (well, except for the end of the day downpour toward the tail end of our visit to Storyland, but we can skip that part). The days were coolish and the nights were cooler, which made for comfortable sleeping. The cabin was something out of the 70's but was perfect for what we were looking for. Not having to set up a tent and live out of suitcases for the week was fantastic. Having our own bathroom? Words can not possibly describe how great this was. The pool was awesome and so good for Julia, who was able to walk in for a good 50 ft before the water was even neck high. The scenery in that area of NH...well, it takes my breath away every time I visit.
Katherine, who tends to be a little more anxious about such things as roller coasters, climbing, and heights really impressed us with her wanting to (and in most cases succeeding) try things that she other times may not have (for example taking the tramway to the top of Cannon and going on the log ride at Santa's Village). Emily impressed us with her lack of fear (and scared us a little as well). Julia impressed us most with her physical endurance when doing things like hiking to the Glen Ellis Falls or through the trails on top of Cannon Mountain.
All in all, it was a great week, and one we are looking to repeat for future vacations!
Perhaps the most noteworthy "finer detail?" The skunk that lived under our cabin. Yes that's right, a skunk. We discovered this when on Monday night we were out enjoying the campfire and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black and white fluffy thing moving along the border of the cabin. I said, "Oh my God Ryun, that's a skunk!" and then, "Quick, run to the car!" Emily, in typical Emily fashion made us laugh about it a few days later when she quipped, "Running away from the campfire and jumping in to the car to get a way from a skunk...what a classic camping moment." Our furry friend made a few more appearances during the week but thankfully appearances were all he made.
In other Emily-related humor (and this is more than likely TMI but a must share moment nonetheless), one night while the girls and I were inside, Ryun who was out tending to the fire let out this obnoxiously loud burp. Emily immediately comes up with this observant and oh so Emily comment:"Ah, the sounds of nature...the birds chirping in the trees, squirrels running through the grassy fields of New Hampshire and Daddy burping."
We were very lucky weather-wise (well, except for the end of the day downpour toward the tail end of our visit to Storyland, but we can skip that part). The days were coolish and the nights were cooler, which made for comfortable sleeping. The cabin was something out of the 70's but was perfect for what we were looking for. Not having to set up a tent and live out of suitcases for the week was fantastic. Having our own bathroom? Words can not possibly describe how great this was. The pool was awesome and so good for Julia, who was able to walk in for a good 50 ft before the water was even neck high. The scenery in that area of NH...well, it takes my breath away every time I visit.
Katherine, who tends to be a little more anxious about such things as roller coasters, climbing, and heights really impressed us with her wanting to (and in most cases succeeding) try things that she other times may not have (for example taking the tramway to the top of Cannon and going on the log ride at Santa's Village). Emily impressed us with her lack of fear (and scared us a little as well). Julia impressed us most with her physical endurance when doing things like hiking to the Glen Ellis Falls or through the trails on top of Cannon Mountain.
All in all, it was a great week, and one we are looking to repeat for future vacations!
I have finally finished uploading the pictures from our camping trip. The pictures basically tell the story, so go ahead and check them out.
I will be back though, with some highlights, and of course other entries sometime later tonight and in to the beginning of the week.
I will be back though, with some highlights, and of course other entries sometime later tonight and in to the beginning of the week.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
...I can feel the pangs of "blog withdrawal" subsiding as I type this.
We're back (obviously). I have a lot to do ( more laundry than I'd care to mention, food shopping and picture developing) but I will be back, perhaps later tonight!
We're back (obviously). I have a lot to do ( more laundry than I'd care to mention, food shopping and picture developing) but I will be back, perhaps later tonight!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Today is the day I have been waiting for. We are leaving for our week-long trip to NH and I can't wait.
This will be the last post here until Saturday or Sunday of next weekend. I am bringing with me a paper journal though (how 90's of me) and am hoping to do some writing while we are there.
Many pictures will of course be taken!
Until next weekend...
This will be the last post here until Saturday or Sunday of next weekend. I am bringing with me a paper journal though (how 90's of me) and am hoping to do some writing while we are there.
Many pictures will of course be taken!
Until next weekend...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Emily was accused (I think by other students) of stealing money today at camp. After talking with her, I have serious doubts that she did it but, that is really beside the point.
I am not one of those parents who thinks my kid can do no wrong. They are not perfect, nobody is perfect. I fully expect, while they are in another person's care, that person will enforce whatever rules are in place, as well as what ever rules and/or expectations I may have put forth before leaving. That being said, I'd like to think that have have instilled in my children good, high, moral standards.
I send them to camp because I feel like it will obviously be a fun and exciting thing for them to do over the summer, but also because I hope that they will learn, from the counselors what it takes to be a good role model. Today, one of the counselors not only did the complete opposite, but they made my daughter cry.
I am still not sure exactly how she was accused of taking the money. It sort of just sounded like someone heard there was money missing and just decided that Emily would be a good person to blame. Emily had to talk to three counselors about it individually which I think is just a little over the top. One of the counselors didn't believe her and as a "punishment" made her sit in a "time out" for a half of an hour. So she was sitting on the cement and at one point, because her but was hurting from sitting so long, she decided to get in to a squatting position. The counselor noticed this and yelled at her, "SIT DOWN...YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE." When Emily explained why she was squatting, the counselor yelled back, "SIT DOWN." This came after she had already been through two other counselors and she was already feeling a little upset. She ended up crying after she yelled at her.
So my first though was "Fuck you bitch, if you were sitting on the cement your ass would hurt to."
My second thought was, "A time out for a 10 year old? Gimme a fucking break."
My third thought was, "Did you really just yell at my kid?"
Seriously...uncalled for.
I will be the first to admit, that Emily is a challenge. She is by no means an "easy" kid. She is a good one though and whether she stole the money or not, she should not be made to cry at camp.
So me, the most "don't rock the boat" person on the planet, is going to go cause a tidal wave tomorrow (ok maybe a minor ripple). I just want to find out what happened from their viewpoint.
It's funny how quickly the easy going, peace-keeping me goes right out the door when someone makes my kid upset or hurts them. At least I am able to calm down from the immediate adrenaline, blood boiling, "I am going to go in there and rip them a new asshole" reaction I have when something like this happens. A level head is a good thing.
I am not one of those parents who thinks my kid can do no wrong. They are not perfect, nobody is perfect. I fully expect, while they are in another person's care, that person will enforce whatever rules are in place, as well as what ever rules and/or expectations I may have put forth before leaving. That being said, I'd like to think that have have instilled in my children good, high, moral standards.
I send them to camp because I feel like it will obviously be a fun and exciting thing for them to do over the summer, but also because I hope that they will learn, from the counselors what it takes to be a good role model. Today, one of the counselors not only did the complete opposite, but they made my daughter cry.
I am still not sure exactly how she was accused of taking the money. It sort of just sounded like someone heard there was money missing and just decided that Emily would be a good person to blame. Emily had to talk to three counselors about it individually which I think is just a little over the top. One of the counselors didn't believe her and as a "punishment" made her sit in a "time out" for a half of an hour. So she was sitting on the cement and at one point, because her but was hurting from sitting so long, she decided to get in to a squatting position. The counselor noticed this and yelled at her, "SIT DOWN...YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE." When Emily explained why she was squatting, the counselor yelled back, "SIT DOWN." This came after she had already been through two other counselors and she was already feeling a little upset. She ended up crying after she yelled at her.
So my first though was "Fuck you bitch, if you were sitting on the cement your ass would hurt to."
My second thought was, "A time out for a 10 year old? Gimme a fucking break."
My third thought was, "Did you really just yell at my kid?"
Seriously...uncalled for.
I will be the first to admit, that Emily is a challenge. She is by no means an "easy" kid. She is a good one though and whether she stole the money or not, she should not be made to cry at camp.
So me, the most "don't rock the boat" person on the planet, is going to go cause a tidal wave tomorrow (ok maybe a minor ripple). I just want to find out what happened from their viewpoint.
It's funny how quickly the easy going, peace-keeping me goes right out the door when someone makes my kid upset or hurts them. At least I am able to calm down from the immediate adrenaline, blood boiling, "I am going to go in there and rip them a new asshole" reaction I have when something like this happens. A level head is a good thing.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Slacker...
...is what I have been when it comes to updating this blog. My aunt is visiting from California so I have been spending my days with her. Emily and Katherine have been at camp all week (and are going back again this week) so it has just been Julia and I, and my Aunt and her son Sean. It's been very nice, getting to spend this much time with her.
Emily and Katherine have been having a wonderful time at camp. They have been swimming everyday at the town pool, playing sports and doing arts and crafts. They come home every day wiped out!
This week will be spent doing much of the same thing as last, with packing for our NH trip next week being added to the mix. I am really looking forward to the trip!
Emily and Katherine have been having a wonderful time at camp. They have been swimming everyday at the town pool, playing sports and doing arts and crafts. They come home every day wiped out!
This week will be spent doing much of the same thing as last, with packing for our NH trip next week being added to the mix. I am really looking forward to the trip!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
It seems that I have spent a lot of time lately focusing on that topic. It's normal I suppose, seeing as I am a mother. As the kids get older, it seems to me that it gets more and more difficult to know if what you are in fact doing or saying is the right thing to do or say and how will it effect them in the future? One never knows but it sure doesn't help all of the second guessing and questioning that goes on in the here and now.
The latest "am I a bad or overprotective parent" moment came yesterday when the kids came home from camp with a flier regarding a trip to Canobie Lake Park slated for this Friday. Here's the thing...I don't want them going. If they don't go they will just partake in the everyday camp activities so it is not like they won't be having a fun day anyway.
Why don't I want them going? There are a few reasons but lets start with Katherine. It's a HUGE waste of money. She doesn't go on any rides that aren't "Merry Go Roundish" in nature (read: no thrill rides, even mild ones). She also is the type of person who can't function on a messed up sleep schedule and the bus isn't getting back until midnight. We also have plans the next day so sleeping in wouldn't be an option, even if staying up late in "kid time" actually meant sleeping in on the other end. With Emily my concerns are completely different. See, the one area in which I am not overprotective (and some may argue I should be) is when it comes to Emily and amusement park rides. When I (or another family member adult) am with her, I generally let her go on whatever rides she wants to, seizure warning or not. Basically as long as she meets the height requirements, I am fine. Seriously, if the kid is brave enough to do these rides I am not going to stop her. If she randomly started having seizures again or had one on a ride, of course the story would be different but, as of this coming October, she will be seizure free for three years. The only thing about this trip that is getting to me is that a family member won't be present. Of course the Parks Department staff know she has Epilepsy but I just don't feel comfortable letting her go. As for the late bus, Emily could easily pull an all nighter and be fine the next day so that concern is not there. Even if I put my fears of Emily going without a family adult, I couldn't rightfully let her go and not Katherine.
So I feel awful and horrible and mean and rotten but I am not letting either of them go.
What do you think?
The latest "am I a bad or overprotective parent" moment came yesterday when the kids came home from camp with a flier regarding a trip to Canobie Lake Park slated for this Friday. Here's the thing...I don't want them going. If they don't go they will just partake in the everyday camp activities so it is not like they won't be having a fun day anyway.
Why don't I want them going? There are a few reasons but lets start with Katherine. It's a HUGE waste of money. She doesn't go on any rides that aren't "Merry Go Roundish" in nature (read: no thrill rides, even mild ones). She also is the type of person who can't function on a messed up sleep schedule and the bus isn't getting back until midnight. We also have plans the next day so sleeping in wouldn't be an option, even if staying up late in "kid time" actually meant sleeping in on the other end. With Emily my concerns are completely different. See, the one area in which I am not overprotective (and some may argue I should be) is when it comes to Emily and amusement park rides. When I (or another family member adult) am with her, I generally let her go on whatever rides she wants to, seizure warning or not. Basically as long as she meets the height requirements, I am fine. Seriously, if the kid is brave enough to do these rides I am not going to stop her. If she randomly started having seizures again or had one on a ride, of course the story would be different but, as of this coming October, she will be seizure free for three years. The only thing about this trip that is getting to me is that a family member won't be present. Of course the Parks Department staff know she has Epilepsy but I just don't feel comfortable letting her go. As for the late bus, Emily could easily pull an all nighter and be fine the next day so that concern is not there. Even if I put my fears of Emily going without a family adult, I couldn't rightfully let her go and not Katherine.
So I feel awful and horrible and mean and rotten but I am not letting either of them go.
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