Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Too Much

Do you ever feel like you have so much to do so much that you cant seem to figure out where to begin?
If you have, you feel like I do now.
I have so much that I want to get done and I cant seem to prioritize. So, I end up doing none of what I wanted or needed to. Its insane.
We leave for our mini ski vacation on Saturday. I cant wait to go-not that I ski or anything, or could even if I did. I am just excited for my children-and to just get away for a few days.
One of the things I need to do is pack. I will probably concentrate on that beginning Thursday. We are going for five days so I have a lot of packing to do.
I think Emily may be allergic to cheese. Long story but in a nutshell, she has randomly thrown up on two separate occasions over the past three days. She has no other symptoms of anything and minutes after she vomited, she is back to her usual self. No fever, cold, nothing. The only connection I can make between the two incidents is cheese. Its weird. Anyway, I am just going to watch her see what I can decipher and if need be call the doc.
Not sure if I will be back before we leave doubt it but, hey check back I may just surprise you.

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