Friday, February 27, 2004

Just an Update

Emily lost another tooth this morning, and the tooth right next to it is quite loose.
My little girl really is growing up.
I have been so lazy this week...I don't know why really. Just tired I guess. I have piles of laundry to fold and the playroom still isn't organized. I am hoping that this weekend will bring a burst of energy or something so I can get this place back in order.
My last official day of work is March 14. I am so excited about that I can't even tell you. I technically only have 7 working days left, as I have the next two Wednesday's off. I will miss some of the people. There is somewhat of a sadness attached to this only because something that has been part of my life for almost 8 years is ending. That's about it though. I really am looking forward to being home with my family at night and seeing more of Emily especially. I hardly see her during the week now and it's hard.
I guess that's about it for now. I am going to go watch ER from last night and fold clothes.

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