Friday, December 5, 2003

Weekend Report

What a weekend. We got over a foot of snow...and the storm lasted for three days! It was crazy.
Ryun and I spent the weekend down the Cape for his company Christmas party. They put us up in a hotel for two nights, paid for a taxi service all day Saturday/Saturday night and had an open bar at the party. All of this was planned well before the storm was even forcasted...apparently this is the way it is every year. It was fun...and it was nice to meet some of the people Ryun works with.
When we were getting ready to leave on Sunday morning, I decided to call home and check our voicemail. We had a message from Ryun's Uncle that on Saturday night, Ryun's grandmother had died. Ryun lived with is grandmother from the time he was 12 until the day we got married so this hit him pretty hard. He was kind of walking around in a fog all day long yesterday...just doing what he had to...basically shovelling snow. Arrangements are being made today.
We still hadn't put our tree up, so last night I did it by myself. It was kind of depressing because usually I make it big deal with the whole family etc. but Ryun wasn't in the mood for obvious reasons and the kids were cranky. At least it's up though.
P. S. I added a link to my pregnancy journal below...check it out.

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