Monday, December 1, 2003

Hormones...I Hope

I have been having a "moment" since I got to work today...or maybe a few "moments."
I came in at 6:00 only to find the following two notes in my box(these are a similar version anyway): have no vacation/personal time left for this year so you will be unable to take December 24th or 31st off. Please see me if you have any questions.
Mandatory customer service meeting Tuesday December 2, 8:00am. Sorry for the short notice but you must make arrangements to attend. story short...I was absent in February for three days. These days were not supposed to be taken from either personal or vacation time(long story which Iwon't bore you with) and they were. I didn't fight it...or I didn't fight enough...I should have. I will not be working on either Christmas or New Year's Eve. I really don't give a @#$% if it is against policy or that I won't get paid. Do me a favor and fire my ass ok? I did send a much more diplomatic email to my supervisor so we shall see what kind of response I get when I get in tonight.
Regarding the "mandatory meeting" that I must attend...who seriously thinks I would choose to work at night if I didn't have to? Everyone(or least anyone whos anyone) at Adelphia knows that I have two young of which is in first grade and gets on the bus at 8:00, the other who needs to be driven to preschool at 9:00. Well, maybe they don't know the exact schedule but whatever. They know the ages of my children and most 1st graders are getting on the bus sometime in the early morning. I sent an email to the other supervisor in charge of the meeting explaining this situation to her...and again I guess I will find out what 's up today. I never see them because I work at night and...they don't.
Thank God.
I also spent a lot of time thinking about how I am going to(more than likely) miss my children's first time on a plane, in Disney etc. And I really want this baby and I am very excited but the missing them in Disney just makes me so sad. I wish I knew beforehand and I would have planned a little better.
The night went from bad to worse when I went to the bathroom and not to be graphic saw blood on the toiletpaper. I freaked a little, called the doc and they said what I described(which for the sake of my readers I won't do here) was normal and if I felt any pain or actually started bleeding to call or just go to the ER. I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I will mention it then. I never had any bleeding with either of my other pregnancies so that's why I was a afraid. I knew it was normal early on but when you see blood and you know it couldn't be that time of month and your's just a little scary.
So, all in all it was kind of a bad night. For some reason...probably hormones I was on the verge of tears all night long.

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