Monday, December 8, 2003

Final Decision

Last night when I went to work, I found out what the oh so important meeting was about. As of February, the call center I work in will be closing.
I am so f'ing happy about this I can't tell you.
And no, I am not being sarcastic.
I haven't been happy there for a long time. I have never been able to justify leaving though...I make too much money, the hours are good etc. The practical always outweighed the emotional side and I just stayed.
Honestly was killing me. I hated it...and it was to the point that just thinking about going in gave me a headache. For awhile, I have been tossing around various ideas in my head...can I quit? Change my hours so that I am home earlier? Find a new job?
I have such a terrible time with decision making.
Needless to say, my decision is made.
I am going to take whatever severence they offer, collect for as long as I can, and just stay home. I kind of feel scummy doing that, knowing full well that I am able to work. You know what though? I have never taken advantage of anything before, and damn it I deserve this time off. A couple of months after the baby is born, I may look for a new job, I may find something I can do from home, or I may just be a fulltime stay at home mom. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

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