Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Happy Holidays!

I just finished making fudge...yummy. I made it for Thanksgiving too...and it came out so good that mom asked me to make it for Christmas too.
Christmas Eve is at my house this year. Mom and Dad, Suz and John and Heather are coming over around 6, after church and after they pick up the food I ordered from Mama Mia's(eggplant parm, chicken, brocoli and ziti, and antipasto). Yeah, I am lazy...didn't feel like cooking. That and Mama Mia's is just...yum.
I am all ready for Christmas basically...I have a few small things that need to be wrapped but I am doing that in a little while...while Katherine is napping. Other than that though, I am ready to go.
I have to go food shopping today...blah. I hate food shopping, even more so around this time of year. I am sure it will be nuts...just like every other store.
Anyway, I probably won't be back until after Christmas...so Happy Holidays!

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