Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Hunting in my Backyard

As you can plainly see, I got rid of the Christmas theme and went with the winter theme that is currently displaying. Looks good, no?
So, we have decided to go to Ryun's uncle's for New Year's Eve. We are going to have chinese food and ring the new year in there. We are looking forward to it and it will be nice to spend some time with the sane and normal members of his family.
Something that has been bugging me but I keep forgetting to mention...there have been hunters for all intents and purposes in my backyard. Well, the train tracks really...but those are my backyard. I had heard a couple of gunshots one day so, I decided to go out and investigate. Stupid, I know. Well anyway, I looked down the tracks and saw a bunch of people in orange with guns slung over their backs. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I could beleive it because...well...I live in the middle of nowhere and there are miles upon miles of woods. But I couldn't believe that they could hunt that close to a house. So me being me, I investigated. I called the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game and got the lowdown on the law. Apparently, as long as they are at least 500 feet away, it's ok. 500 feet seems way the hell to close to me. I have children...not that I ever let them go run wild on the tracks of course but still...I mean you just never know. A stray bullet...hunting accidents happen all of the time.
I also called the town assessor office to find out who owned the land back there. Apparently, it's kind of an unwritten law that hunters need permission to hunt on someone else's land. The name of the company was "Waldo Operations" which if you ask me just sounds like a farce. I don't know...whatever. Some companies just have weird names I guess. I tried to find a listing for the company to call and find out if in fact permission was given but I couldn't find a listing anywhere. The assessors office said it was listed in Newton Upper Falls but I basically searched the whole state and found nothing.
I don't have a problem with hunting per se. I don't necessarily agree with hunting just for "fun" but whatever. As with all major issues in the world, I don't really take a stand either way. I am all about freedom of...well freedom of everything. The only issue I have is personal safety for me and my family. Do whatever the heck you want, as long as it doesn't directly harm me or mine in anyway.
So yeah, that's it. Just get the hell out of my "backyard" and I'll be fine.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Happy Holidays!

I just finished making fudge...yummy. I made it for Thanksgiving too...and it came out so good that mom asked me to make it for Christmas too.
Christmas Eve is at my house this year. Mom and Dad, Suz and John and Heather are coming over around 6, after church and after they pick up the food I ordered from Mama Mia's(eggplant parm, chicken, brocoli and ziti, and antipasto). Yeah, I am lazy...didn't feel like cooking. That and Mama Mia's is just...yum.
I am all ready for Christmas basically...I have a few small things that need to be wrapped but I am doing that in a little while...while Katherine is napping. Other than that though, I am ready to go.
I have to go food shopping today...blah. I hate food shopping, even more so around this time of year. I am sure it will be nuts...just like every other store.
Anyway, I probably won't be back until after Christmas...so Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 8, 2003

Final Decision

Last night when I went to work, I found out what the oh so important meeting was about. As of February, the call center I work in will be closing.
I am so f'ing happy about this I can't tell you.
And no, I am not being sarcastic.
I haven't been happy there for a long time. I have never been able to justify leaving though...I make too much money, the hours are good etc. The practical always outweighed the emotional side and I just stayed.
Honestly though...it was killing me. I hated it...and it was to the point that just thinking about going in gave me a headache. For awhile, I have been tossing around various ideas in my head...can I quit? Change my hours so that I am home earlier? Find a new job?
I have such a terrible time with decision making.
Needless to say, my decision is made.
I am going to take whatever severence they offer, collect for as long as I can, and just stay home. I kind of feel scummy doing that, knowing full well that I am able to work. You know what though? I have never taken advantage of anything before, and damn it I deserve this time off. A couple of months after the baby is born, I may look for a new job, I may find something I can do from home, or I may just be a fulltime stay at home mom. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

Friday, December 5, 2003

Weekend Report

What a weekend. We got over a foot of snow...and the storm lasted for three days! It was crazy.
Ryun and I spent the weekend down the Cape for his company Christmas party. They put us up in a hotel for two nights, paid for a taxi service all day Saturday/Saturday night and had an open bar at the party. All of this was planned well before the storm was even forcasted...apparently this is the way it is every year. It was fun...and it was nice to meet some of the people Ryun works with.
When we were getting ready to leave on Sunday morning, I decided to call home and check our voicemail. We had a message from Ryun's Uncle that on Saturday night, Ryun's grandmother had died. Ryun lived with is grandmother from the time he was 12 until the day we got married so this hit him pretty hard. He was kind of walking around in a fog all day long yesterday...just doing what he had to...basically shovelling snow. Arrangements are being made today.
We still hadn't put our tree up, so last night I did it by myself. It was kind of depressing because usually I make it big deal with the whole family etc. but Ryun wasn't in the mood for obvious reasons and the kids were cranky. At least it's up though.
P. S. I added a link to my pregnancy journal below...check it out.

Monday, December 1, 2003

Hormones...I Hope

I have been having a "moment" since I got to work today...or maybe a few "moments."
I came in at 6:00 only to find the following two notes in my box(these are a similar version anyway):
Sharon...you have no vacation/personal time left for this year so you will be unable to take December 24th or 31st off. Please see me if you have any questions.
Mandatory customer service meeting Tuesday December 2, 8:00am. Sorry for the short notice but you must make arrangements to attend.
Ok...so...long story short...I was absent in February for three days. These days were not supposed to be taken from either personal or vacation time(long story which Iwon't bore you with) and they were. I didn't fight it...or I didn't fight enough...I should have. I will not be working on either Christmas or New Year's Eve. I really don't give a @#$% if it is against policy or that I won't get paid. Do me a favor and fire my ass ok? I did send a much more diplomatic email to my supervisor so we shall see what kind of response I get when I get in tonight.
Regarding the "mandatory meeting" that I must attend...who seriously thinks I would choose to work at night if I didn't have to? Everyone(or least anyone whos anyone) at Adelphia knows that I have two young children...one of which is in first grade and gets on the bus at 8:00, the other who needs to be driven to preschool at 9:00. Well, maybe they don't know the exact schedule but whatever. They know the ages of my children and most 1st graders are getting on the bus sometime in the early morning. I sent an email to the other supervisor in charge of the meeting explaining this situation to her...and again I guess I will find out what 's up today. I never see them because I work at night and...they don't.
Thank God.
I also spent a lot of time thinking about how I am going to(more than likely) miss my children's first time on a plane, in Disney etc. And I really want this baby and I am very excited but the missing them in Disney just makes me so sad. I wish I knew beforehand and I would have planned a little better.
The night went from bad to worse when I went to the bathroom and not to be graphic saw blood on the toiletpaper. I freaked a little, called the doc and they said what I described(which for the sake of my readers I won't do here) was normal and if I felt any pain or actually started bleeding to call or just go to the ER. I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I will mention it then. I never had any bleeding with either of my other pregnancies so that's why I was a afraid. I knew it was normal early on but when you see blood and you know it couldn't be that time of month and your pregnant...it's just a little scary.
So, all in all it was kind of a bad night. For some reason...probably hormones I was on the verge of tears all night long.